本文关键词: 市场金融控股集团 市场竞争 反垄断法 出处:《天津财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The existence of financial holding group is an indispensable form in the development of market economy. Its birth and growth have greatly promoted the development of global economy. But we also need to see the legal challenges it poses. In financial markets, most anti-competitive monopolies are linked in all sorts of ways to financial holding groups. For example, financial holding groups continue to adopt new financial institutions to increase their market share. By abusing their dominant position in the market, financial holding groups do so in such a way as to limit the development of their competitive objectives. At present, China has enacted a law, the Anti-monopoly Law, on related issues, and has formulated a comparative principle in terms of content. The regulation of the financial holding group is hardly involved. In the theoretical field, the research on the financial holding group is just beginning. Therefore, whether in the theoretical or practical perspective, The research on financial holding group is very meaningful. The development and existence of financial holding group is based on the scale development of economy. This article analyzes the regulation of anti-monopoly law of financial holding group through various research methods, which is divided into five aspects. The first part discusses the current research situation of financial holding group at home and abroad, the second, the main theoretical basis of regulating the monopoly behavior of financial holding group. This paper makes a careful study and systematic analysis on the special identification methods of financial holding enterprises reflecting monopoly behavior. 4th, it mainly studies the development advantages of foreign countries, from which we can adopt experience. 5th. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the development of Chinese enterprises' economic forms and the breeding and growing environment of the anti-monopoly law in China, some opinions are put forward for the perfection of the monopoly behavior of the market financial holding groups in the law.
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