本文关键词: 隐名出资人 名义股东 股东资格 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, disputes caused by anonymous capital contribution have occurred frequently in limited liability companies. "whether the dormant investor has shareholder qualification", as the basic issue of all related disputes, has also aroused extensive discussion in judicial practice and academic circles. The introduction of "Company Law interpretation (3)" is the origin of the dispute of anonymous capital contribution. The referee provided guidance. However, the problems in judicial practice have not been solved because of the conflict between relevant laws and regulations, which leads to the emergence of a large number of phenomena in judicial practice, such as "different judgments in the same case and different reasoning in the same judgment", which not only reduces the credibility of the judiciary, but also reduces the judicial credibility. It also makes the relevant parties at a loss as to their own legal status. The shareholder qualification of anonymous investors is not only a matter of "cognizance" in judicial practice. The so-called "shareholder qualification confirmation action" is not "who"? It should be the shareholder "but the question of" who is the shareholder ". The whole idea of the shareholder qualification of the anonymous investor can be tried to change to see if and when he will get the shareholder qualification. Follow this research line. From the process of obtaining the shareholder's qualification, the author analyzes the two important requirements for the acquisition of the shareholder's qualification: "the civil subject expresses to the company its intention to become a shareholder" and "the other shareholders of the company accept the civil subject as the shareholder". The two important elements are used as the criterion of judgment. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four chapters, the main contents are as follows: the first chapter explains and analyzes the basic theory of anonymous capital contribution. This paper defines the research object of this paper, and analyzes the causes of the formation of anonymous investors, laying a foundation for the follow-up discussion. Chapter two analyzes the legislative and judicial status quo of shareholder qualification of anonymous investors. This paper points out the incompleteness of our country's Company Law interpretation (3) and some problems existing in judicial practice. At the same time, it puts the angle of view abroad. Observe the approach to similar problems in comparative law. Although comparative law has corresponding rules for solving similar problems in judicial practice in our country, due to different legal systems and legal traditions, extraterritorial legal system is difficult to be directly used by us. Therefore, it is necessary for Chinese scholars to seek appropriate interpretation methods and handling rules for local issues. Chapter three analyzes the various theories about shareholder qualification of anonymous investors in China. There are loopholes in all kinds of existing theories, whether they are substantive standard theory, formal standard theory or distinction theory. It is difficult to fully explain the problem of shareholder qualification of anonymous investor in the legal relationship of anonymous capital contribution. This paper attempts to discuss the problem of shareholder qualification of anonymous investor from the perspective of shareholder qualification. The qualification of a joint shareholder is used as a criterion for determining whether a dormant investor has a shareholder qualification. Under this criterion, two criteria are used: "who makes the intention to the company to become a shareholder" and "who is accepted as a shareholder by the other shareholders of the company" The question of who is the shareholder of the company in the anonymous capital contribution. At the same time, On the basis of the analysis of the types of anonymous capital contribution, according to the standard proposed in this paper, the author concretely analyzes the shareholder qualification of the anonymous investor in various types of capital contribution. Chapter 4th puts forward some suggestions to perfect the qualification of the anonymous investor in our country. From the legislative level, the construction of equity trust system two aspects to improve.
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