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发布时间:2018-02-20 06:12

  本文关键词: 独立董事 公司治理 职能 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The independent director system originated in the Anglo-American countries, because of its remarkable achievements in corporate governance practice, many countries have followed suit. In 2001, under the guidance of the government, China introduced the independent director system from top to bottom. The purpose of introducing the independent director system is to restrain the internal control under the control of the major shareholders, to enhance the independence of the board of directors and to improve the internal governance and supervision mechanism. Therefore, the functions of independent directors should be defined as decision-making supervision and advice. After more than 10 years of practice, the independent director system has achieved results at the same time. The predicaments which cause the expected function not to be performed effectively also gradually appear. Through the research method of combining the theoretical research with the empirical data, this paper finds out that the dilemma that hinders the independent director's function to be effective is mainly concentrated in the independence dilemma. Based on the analysis of the performance of the dilemma and its causes, this paper analyzes the internal core system of the independent director and the external safeguard system of the independent director from two angles: perfecting the internal core system of the independent director and perfecting the external safeguard system of the independent director. It is concluded that the internal core system of independent director should be perfected by perfecting the system of independent director selection, incentive system and power and responsibility system, starting from perfecting the information security system of independent director, the construction of talent team, and the system of liability insurance. To perfect the external safeguard system of independent director so as to combine the internal and external system to overcome the dilemma of independent director's function.


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