本文选题:股权捐赠 切入点:权利救济 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of philanthropy in China, as well as the stock market continues to improve, in the practice of the listed company public stock donation of a new charity mode, will be able to bring a steady investment income for the charity of the listed company stock right into the charitable donation object scope. The listed company equity donation is the donor of its listed companies donated to charitable organizations for charitable activities, is an effective way for donors to undertake the social responsibility, has very important significance to the development of philanthropy in China. With the use of equity donation in practice more and more widely, and constantly improve the degree of social concern the meeting, in the concrete application of the process problems have gradually emerged, has hindered its further development, in order to better play the shares of listed companies to donate With this charity mode, looking for solutions to various problems in the premise of carding in order to solve the problems of listed company stock donation. This paper mainly analyzes from five parts to the listed company equity donation legal problems: the first part is the overview of shares of listed companies donated. This part firstly introduces the concept of listed companies equity donation, the main research object of the article, based on the analysis of the legal nature of the listed company equity donation, then introduces the listed company equity donation in the main course of development of our country, summarizes the characteristics of equity donation in China's practice, the final status of legal regulation of listed equity donation of, expounds some problems existing in the current legal regulation. The second part is the value of equity donation study. This part focuses on the analysis of equity donation in Value. Mainly from the society, the donor, recipient of three different angles, respectively expounds the equity donation as a new charity mode compared with the traditional property donated special advantage, trying to show the unique charm of more equity donation, hope that more entrepreneurs and enterprises can use this model to contribute to the charity Chinese charity, so that more people who need help to share the fruits of development of enterprises. The third part is the legal problems of Listed Companies in equity donation. This part analysis the equity of listed companies to donate some important problems encountered in the process of practice, including equity donation recipient to exercise rights issues, as the subject of equity donation the internal decision-making rights, equity donation information disclosure, the related transactions of the listed companies and equity donation tax After encountering problems. In the detailed description of the listed company equity donation process, through the corresponding analysis lays a foundation for solving the related problems. The fourth part is the analysis of examples of donation for the shares of listed companies. A typical case of this part by the method of comparative analysis of equity donation evaluates, attempts to summarize the success experience in practice, and learn from American experience, provide some ideas and inspiration to solve the Chinese listed companies equity donation process. Cao Dewang Fuyao company to set up equity donation fund is a good kind of river of China's listed companies equity donation practice is the most representative and influential cases. Buffett and Boxill Hathaway share donation to the Gates Melinda foundation is the equity of Listed Companies in the United States in recent years donated the most influential case, through Comparing the two typical cases, to play a role. The gaps of the fifth part is some suggestions to improve the listed company equity donation legal regulation. According to the analysis of the various parts of the establishment, from equity donation, internal equity donation decision-making power of belonging and relief of rights established, regulation of association the transaction, information disclosure, puts forward the relevant suggestions in six aspects to improve the mandatory offer exemption system and tax system perfect, the amount of force for better regulation of listed company equity donation contributions.
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