本文选题:碳保险 切入点:碳金融 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2015年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Carbon insurance and low-carbon insurance, green insurance and climate insurance are not a concept. Carbon insurance is based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change and the Kyoto Protocol, and is based on the arrangements for carbon emissions under the two international treaties. Or to protect insurance against carbon finance activities that mimic Kyoto rules in non-Kyoto rules. The carbon financial market is created based on artificial design and carries enormous risks. The current insurance legal system with "Insurance Law" as the core faces many difficulties in the face of carbon financing, carbon delivery and other carbon financial risks: many of the risks are non-traditional. According to the "Insurance Law", which is based on the traditional risk in our country, it is mostly uninsurable risk, the value of the subject matter of the carbon insurance contract is difficult to determine, the current carbon insurance system of our country has not played the function of guaranteeing the carbon financing and the carbon delivery; Some unique risks in carbon finance in our country are in urgent need of the protection of the carbon insurance legal system; the carbon insurance in our country lacks the ecological value guidance function; the current Insurance Law stipulates that there is no beneficiary in the property insurance contract. The beneficiary subject is very important in the legal system of carbon insurance. In view of these difficulties, the legal system of carbon insurance should be constructed: the principle of ART should be introduced into the construction of legal system of carbon insurance, and the contract of carbon insurance can be used in the form of fixed value insurance contract. In the long run, once the carbon insurance is legislated separately, it can be stipulated that the professional evaluation institution should be the relevant person of the insurance contract and the quota insurance contract should be introduced appropriately, and the domestic "non-Kyoto rules" carbon trading market should be constructed to give full play to the function of the carbon insurance. Guide the technical content in CDM with carbon insurance legal system; integrate ecological value orientation in the design of carbon insurance legal system; regard beneficiary as the relative person of carbon insurance contract. Separate legislation should be made in addition to the Insurance Law, and reference clauses should be added to the Insurance Law, such as carbon insurance by law and administrative regulations separately.
【作者单位】: 浙江农林大学法政学院;辽宁大学法学院;
【基金】:浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“森林保险立法研究”(编号:10CGFX11YBX) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“民营资本健康发展法律规制研究”(编号:L12BFX006)
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