本文选题:非上市公司 切入点:股权质押 出处:《天津师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中小企业要做大、做强,首先要解决融资难的问题,而中小企业因为抗风险能力差,可以抵押的实物资产有限,所以融资难问题成为困扰中小企业发展的一个瓶颈。在传统融资手段不能满足中小企业的融资需求时,2013年8月,国务院发布《关于金融支持小微企业发展的实施意见》,明确了中小企业积极开展股权质押贷款业务的规定,希望通过股权质押这一新的方式帮助中小企业进行融资,促进中小企业的发展。股权质押做为一种新的担保方式,是对传统担保方式的一种突破,与其他融资手段相比,其有自己的优势。自从实行股权质押融资手段以来,中小企业的静止的股权得到了盘活,一些中小企业也获得了发展。但是,现阶段我国非上市公司股东的股权质押在发展过程中由于自身的制度不完善以及法律的不健全,其在实际开展股权质押业务时受到了限制,使得股权质押的发展困境与非上市公司股东急需股权质押融资的现状发生冲突。本文拟对股权质押制度的不足进行分析,对股权质押制度进行完善,以期从制度完善的角度为非上市公司股东——广大中小企业进行股权担保融资保驾护航。本文拟从以下四个部分对我国股权质押制度进行研究: 第一部分是非上市公司股东的股权质押的需求、发展窘境及原因。说明了我国现阶段非上市公司股东急需股权质押贷款但是股权质押不易为贷款方接受的窘境。 第二部分介绍了我国股权质押制度的立法现状。 第三部分是我国股权质押制度存在的不足。这部分指出了我国现行股权质押制度有哪些不够完善的地方以及这些缺陷造成的一些问题,包括:有限责任公司股东的股权质押受限,股份公司登记制度的缺陷,法律规定过于原则性使质权人的某些权利在实践中不易保障,股权质权实现机制不完善等。这些都限制了我国非上市公司股东的股权质押的发展,限制了其担保作用的发挥。 第四部分是如何完善我国非上市公司股东的股权质押制度。包括:完善股权质押登记制度,完善质权保全权的配套机制,完善物上代位制度及明确质权人收取的孳息范围等。
[Abstract]:To make small and medium-sized enterprises bigger and stronger, they must first solve the problem of difficult financing. Because of their poor ability to resist risks, small and medium-sized enterprises have limited real assets that can be mortgaged. In August 2013, when the traditional means of financing could not meet the financing needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, The State Council has issued the "opinions on the implementation of Financial support for the Development of small and Micro Enterprises", which clarifies the provisions for small and medium-sized enterprises to actively carry out the business of equity pledge loans, and hopes to help small and medium-sized enterprises in financing through the new way of equity pledge. As a new way of security, equity pledge is a breakthrough to the traditional way of guarantee, and it has its own advantages compared with other means of financing. The static stock rights of small and medium-sized enterprises have been revitalized, and some small and medium-sized enterprises have also been developed. However, in the process of development, the stockholders' equity pledge of non-listed companies in our country is due to the imperfection of their own system and the imperfection of the law. It has been restricted in the actual development of equity pledge business, which makes the development dilemma of equity pledge conflict with the current situation of non-listed company shareholders in urgent need of equity pledge financing. This paper intends to analyze the deficiency of equity pledge system. This paper tries to perfect the system of equity pledge in order to protect the stockholders of non-listed companies-the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises from the point of view of perfection of the system. This paper intends to study the system of equity pledge in China from the following four parts:. The first part is the demand of shareholders' equity pledge of non-listed companies, the development dilemma and the reasons, which shows that the shareholders of non-listed companies urgently need equity pledge loans, but the equity pledge is not easy to accept by the lenders. The second part introduces the current legislation of stock pledge system in China. The third part is the deficiency of the stock right pledge system in our country. It includes: the limitation of stockholder's share pledge of limited liability company, the defect of the registration system of stock company, and the principle that some rights of the mortgagee are not easy to be protected in practice. All of these restrict the development of stockholders' equity pledge and limit the exertion of its guarantee function. The 4th part is how to perfect the stockholder's share pledge system of the non-listed company in our country, including: perfecting the registration system of the stock right pledge, perfecting the supporting mechanism of the preservation of the pledge right, perfecting the subrogation system and clarifying the range of fruits collected by the mortgagee, etc.
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