本文选题:股权众筹 切入点:小额发行豁免 出处:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Internet equity crowdfunding is a means of raising funds from the public through Internet platforms for small and micro enterprises or start-ups to promote the development of the industrial economy. It is of great significance to stimulate the vitality of the financial market. At present, China's Internet stock rights crowdfunding is moving towards maturity, but the corresponding supporting legal norms have not kept pace with each other, and supervision and regulation are in a backward state. By analyzing the related nature of Internet stock crowdfunding, this paper draws lessons from the JOBS Act to solve the problems related to stock crowdfunding, and to the investors of China's stock rights crowdfunding. The first part of the article discusses the practice of crowdfunding at home and abroad, especially focusing on the practice of crowdfunding in China. Combining with a series of problems in the legal regulation of stock rights crowdfunding in our country, this paper analyzes the nature of stock rights crowdfunding in China's current practice and affirms that crowdfunding is an indispensable part of the development of Internet finance in China. The second part discusses the issue behavior regulation of stock crowdfunding. Firstly, it analyzes the necessity of the small issue exemption system to the development of equity crowdfunding in China. From this, we can find out the application of the small amount exemption system of the stock rights crowdfunding issue system in our country. Next, in view of the issuing behavior of the shareholding crowdfunding under the small issue exemption system, from the number of investors and the investment quota, Four aspects, such as the approval and registration of the public inducement and crowdfunding platform, are discussed to discuss the regulation of the issuance of equity crowdfunding. The third part begins to deal with investors. The third part is about the establishment of QFII system. The concrete behavior of investors and the "leading investor" access system in the main investment mode of "leading and investing" in the stock raising are discussed in detail. In order to protect investors through the regulation of investors. 4th part of the financier and crowdfunding platform as part of the discussion of the specific regulatory measures and content in the stock raising. There is no supervision of the financier. Especially big innovations, The main body of supervision is the equity crowdfunding platform, which plays a central role in crowdfunding. Firstly, the rights and obligations of crowdfunding platform law are clearly defined, and then the system of supervision of crowdfunding platform is discussed in detail.
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