本文选题:税收法定 切入点:民主与法治 出处:《云南大学学报(法学版)》2016年05期
[Abstract]:The legal principle of taxation is the embodiment of democracy and rule of law in the constitution in the field of taxation, the core of which is the legal law of tax power. After the amendment of the Constitution in 2004, the normative connotation of Article 56 of the Constitution has changed. Tax legislation not only adjusts the relationship between the state and citizens, constructs the legitimacy and legitimacy of taxation, but also regulates the exercise of state tax power. Protection of citizens' constitutional rights and the formation of a stable and expected function of society. The tax rights arising from national sovereignty should be rationally distributed at both vertical and horizontal levels. The aim of tax legislation, tax collection and judicial relief should be to protect human rights. The reform of tax distribution system should also be carried out under the framework of constitution and law in order to adjust the relationship between central and local areas reasonably.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;中国人民大学宪政与行政法治研究中心;
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