本文选题:国家救助 切入点:边界界定 出处:《法学论坛》2015年01期
[Abstract]:The definition of the legal boundary of the state rescue of the problem financial institution is the basic condition for the establishment of the state rescue and the choice of different rescue methods for the problem financial institution, including the financial risk condition and the systematical importance condition.Agencies with responsibility for seeking assistance assess financial institutions' capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability, liquidity and market risk sensitivity through clear criteria, taking into account the degree of activity of financial institutions,Scale, relevance, substitutability and complexity are indicators to determine the risk and degree of crisis they face, and then to make a choice for help.In order to ensure the stability of financial system and the rights and interests of financial consumers, it is necessary to adhere to the four basic principles of lowest cost, explicit assistance, preferential selection and prudent implementation of the boundary of state rescue, and to seek a balance between rescue and bankruptcy in order to ensure the stability of financial system and the interests of financial consumers.
【作者单位】: 江西财经大学法学院;
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