本文选题:企业并购 切入点:企业价值评估 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the process of economic globalization, enterprises in accelerating the expansion of capital, mergers and acquisitions and expansion of capital for the enterprise provides an important approach. Then the value of a more accurate assessment of the target enterprise, has become the key to success or failure of mergers and acquisitions. Because the enterprise is the future uncertainty of investment, so the introduction of investment analysis. The real option is very necessary. The traditional assessment theory and model, including the free cash flow discount method, market comparison method, is widely used in the analysis of mergers and acquisitions investment decision-making in the enterprise, but these methods are all the property transactions as a point in time of the transaction, without taking into account the decision delay, more or less underestimate the value of the target enterprises, it is easy to cause the wrong investment decision, it contains the target enterprise's option value can not be ignored. This paper introduces the real option pricing The theory makes value evaluation results more close to the true value, the theoretical system of mergers and acquisitions to further improve the assessment of the value of the enterprises in our country. This paper first describes the research background and significance, then further analysis of the status quo of the real options research at home and abroad are analyzed, and the analysis of the traditional enterprise value assessment theory, pointed out the shortcomings and defects of traditional methods then, the introduction of real option pricing method, and points out that the law is not the option for other methods of denial, but a supplement, using collocation with other methods, will make the results closer to the true value. At the same time, the basic theory of real options and common model (B-S, two binomial tree model) is described. Secondly, the use of case analysis of Dongjiang environmental acquisition kuani carbon background, analysis of financial data and strategic options, once again stressed the need to introduce the real option; then, through Combination of option pricing and valuation method of net assets, the acquisition of new kuani carbon Dongjiang environmental equity value of summarizing the results of the analysis, further proved the validity and reliability of the option value. Finally, objectively analyzes the status quo of China's current real option pricing method and the existing problems, and targeted put forward the relevant suggestions. The paper points out that, from the target enterprise's value should be implied by their net value and the uncertainty in the value of mergers and acquisitions (option value) of two parts. For the value of their own, can be used directly for pricing the traditional valuation methods, such as net assets method, market comparison method (company method), discount method to evaluate the option value. The introduction of B-S model for evaluation. Finally, the two together, the assessment results will be more accurate and realistic. This paper focuses on the research of real option method in enterprise value Study on Application of objective assessment, is not to say that the option method is the best method to evaluate the enterprise value, and to deny the other methods of assessment, but to other traditional methods more powerful, if the real option and other traditional valuation methods used together with each other, can complement each other, make evaluation results more close to the real and accurate.
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