本文选题:保险行业协会 + 限制竞争行为 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of market economy, trade associations are playing an increasingly important role in the operation of market economy.Because trade associations are social organizations formed to safeguard the common interests of a certain group, in order to maximize the interests of their own industries, trade associations can play their due functions and actively promote the common development of their members.But at the same time, it is possible to obtain the interests of the industry by the means of restricting competition behavior, to destroy the order of market competition, to harm the interests of other participants in the market and the interests of the public.As for the restrictive competition behavior of trade associations, although there are some relevant provisions in the Anti-monopoly Law of our country, the content is too simple and rough, so it is difficult to achieve the expected legal effect when the specific application of some special trade associations.So there are still many cases of trade association organizations restricting competition behavior.Especially since the Anti-Monopoly Law came into being all over the country, the cases of insurance industry associations organizing their members to implement monopoly have attracted wide attention.As a kind of industry association, the insurance industry association can not only promote the orderly development of insurance industry in our country, but also destroy the market competition for the sake of pursuing the interests of the industry, because of the particularity of the industry itself.Therefore, it is urgent to regulate the restrictive competition behavior which hinders the development of market economy.In view of this, this article mainly carries on the research to the above question.In addition to the introduction, the article is divided into four parts: first of all, the introduction introduces a series of cases of the organization members of insurance industry associations to implement monopoly in recent years, leading to the practical and theoretical significance of this study.Then summarizes the current academic research on the insurance industry association to restrict competition behavior of anti-monopoly law regulation, and put forward the research method, innovation.The first part clarifies the basic meaning of insurance industry association and its restrictive competition behavior, compares insurance industry association with other industry associations, and summarizes the characteristics of insurance industry association.And the insurance industry association limits the competition behavior type to make the brief introduction.The second part first introduces the principle of illegality in anti-monopoly law, that is, the principle of illegality and the principle of reasonableness.The third part mainly discusses the limitation of the liability of the insurance industry association in China's anti-monopoly law, the deficiency and perfection of the liability form, including the refinement of the responsibility subject, the administrative liability, the civil liability.Finally, the author puts forward the exemption from liability and the conditions and time limit which should be fulfilled by the insurance industry association to restrict the competition behavior.The fourth part summarizes the problems discussed in this paper and the relevant suggestions, including the definition of the insurance industry association to restrict competition behavior, and the characteristics of the insurance industry association to restrict the competition behavior.This paper summarizes the specific types of restrictive competition behavior of insurance industry association, and puts forward some views on the identification principle and the perfection of liability system of insurance industry association's restrictive competition behavior.
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