本文选题:合理价格的司法评估 + 司法启动主体 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The right of dissenting shareholders to repurchase shares is a special mechanism of shareholder withdrawal, and the judicial evaluation of reasonable price of share repurchase is one of the most important parts.Among them, the correct choice of the main body of the judicial procedure ensures the smooth opening of the judicial evaluation procedure of reasonable price.By comparing the economic strength of the company with the dissenting shareholders, their ability to collect evidence and their respective attitudes towards the stock buyback dispute, it can be found that although the dissenting shareholders have a more positive attitude towards the litigation,However, in other respects are weaker than the company, so, to start the judicial process as an obligation to the company will be more conducive to the promotion of the entire judicial process;The base date and evaluation method of reasonable price will affect the formation and result of share repurchase price.Based on whether the company is responsible for serving the notice to the dissenting shareholders on the basis of evaluating the base date, it is divided into two situations.In the company's due diligence, with major decisions made as the evaluation of the base date.And there are no exceptions, once dissenting shareholders indicate that they withdraw, the specific reasons of withdrawal are not the basis for obtaining additional benefits.In the case that the company has not done its duty, the period between the date of holding the general meeting of shareholders and the time when the shareholders know or should know of the company's major resolutions is the time axis, and the shareholders shall select any of the time points as the basis date for the evaluation;In the case of share repurchase dispute, the evaluation method of reasonable price needs to run under a certain frame.In the fixed framework of the replacement capital method, the present value of income method and the market comparison method, the company and the dissenting shareholders are considered synthetically according to the actual situation of the company, the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the important factors involved,Select a single method or a combination of several methods to evaluate the share repurchase price.
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