本文选题:“看门人”的法律责任 + 证券监管 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The "gatekeeper" theory came into being in the United States in the 1980s, forming at the beginning of this century. The emergence of the "gatekeeper" has its special historical background - the development of the capital market began in the early nineteenth Century. In the early stage of the market development, it is difficult for the two parties to reach the investment intention because of the lack of trust. With the continuous development of the market, the service scope of intermediary agencies is constantly extending, and the market environment set by this article is the securities market. At the beginning of the establishment of China's securities market, the size and quantity of listed companies are controlled mainly by administrative means. With the gradual release of the securities market, the public market has the public financing demand. As for the materials needed in the process of listing guidance, the intermediaries are the assistance of the "gatekeeper" which is the focus of this article. Fraud is also happening in this process. As the "goalkeeper theory" is introduced into China, the relevant regulatory authorities have begun to attach importance to the supervision of the "gatekeeper". In the second chapter, the concept of "gatekeeper" is briefly expounded. In the third chapter, the problem of the loss of the "gatekeeper" in the US securities market is analyzed by specific cases, and the reform measures of the regulatory authorities in the United States are introduced. The fourth chapter of the article is on the third chapter. The present situation of the legal supervision of the "gatekeeper" in China is introduced and the shortcomings are pointed out. In the fifth chapter of the paper, the problems in the legal supervision of the "gatekeeper" in our country are also revealed by case analysis, and the concrete measures to adapt to the national conditions of our country are put forward to improve the problems in the process of drawing lessons from the relevant experience of the United States.
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