本文选题:违法建筑 + 执法管理 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The management of illegal buildings is a difficult problem in urban construction and urban management, which involves a wide range and complex causes, which makes it more difficult for urban law enforcement management departments to deal with illegal buildings. In recent years, despite the efforts of the relevant departments, Shenyang illegal building renovation has certain results, but illegal buildings are still "repeatedly demolished", the city of illegal buildings seriously affect people's lives. Resources belonging to everyone are encroached upon at will, public safety is not guaranteed, and economic development is restrained at the same time. Therefore, the study on the law enforcement management of illegal buildings will help to improve the city street environment and the appearance of the city, improve the law enforcement and management ability of the city management department, and make the city environment more beautiful. The core of this study is the law enforcement management of illegal buildings in Shenyang. The background and basic situation of law enforcement management of illegal buildings in Shenyang are introduced, which makes the significance of this study determined. Through consulting resources, this paper sums up the research results of illegal building law enforcement management at home and abroad, and classifies it. Secondly, it expounds the concept and theoretical basis of illegal building law enforcement management from the perspective of new public management theory. Thirdly, the development of illegal building law enforcement management in Shenyang, the process of law enforcement management, work performance and achievements in recent years are sorted out, and the problems existing in the law enforcement management of illegal building in Shenyang are found. And take the United States and Singapore as the research object, explore its successful experience in illegal building law enforcement management; finally, according to our city in the illegal building law enforcement management problems, from the basis, prevention, Four aspects of law enforcement management and the establishment of a long-term mechanism to improve the proposal, legislation should be detailed related to illegal building laws and regulations, the establishment of special laws, prevention should increase the illegal building law enforcement management inspection, punishment, supervision and publicity, In the aspect of law enforcement management, the quality of law enforcement personnel should be improved, the mode of law enforcement management should be changed, and violent conflicts should be avoided. If violent conflicts occur, they should be resolved in a harmonious way. In the aspect of long-effect mechanism, we should strengthen the communication and cooperation among the relevant law enforcement management departments, clarify the functions of each law enforcement management department, and establish a complete feedback mechanism of administrative law enforcement supervision. The author hopes to provide some reference for the law enforcement management of illegal buildings in Shenyang in the future.
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