本文选题:外资准入 + 负面清单 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a management method of regulating international investment market access, the negative list has been adopted by most of the free trade agreements and bilateral multilateral investment agreements in the world. It has gradually evolved into a new trend of international investment negotiations and investment rules. The negative list specifically means that in international investment activities, a country explicitly lists the areas in which foreign investors prohibit or restrict their investment, and foreign investors can invest in areas other than the list. The negative list is in fact an exception to the general principle. It applies the legal logic that "unless prohibited by law, it is recognized by law" and is based on the legal basis of "no prohibition of law means freedom". Negative list management model is to further improve the performance of investment liberalization. With the rapid development of economic globalization and the promotion of countries and regions such as Europe and the United States, higher level negotiations on regional free trade agreements and bilateral and multilateral international trade and investment negotiations have been carried out one after another. China's traditional foreign investment system and the country's high-level investment rules do not merge. The management mode of negative list of foreign capital entry is an embodiment of international high-standard investment rules. In order to adapt to the new trend of global economic and political development, China established the Shanghai Free Trade Test area in 2013 (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Free Trade Zone) and issued a negative list of version 2013. It is a change and innovation to adopt the negative list system in the field of foreign investment in China, which embodies the profound theoretical connotation and practical significance. The article altogether carries on the research from five parts. The first part is the introduction. The content includes the background and significance of the research, research methods and contents, main work and innovation, as well as related domestic and foreign research literature. The second part is an overview. The concept of negative list, the distinction between negative list and related concepts, including pre-admission national treatment and negative list, positive list and negative list, industrial guidance catalogue and negative list for foreign investment are expounded. It also analyzes the legal basis of the negative list management model, and lays the groundwork for a better understanding of the negative list. The third part is the application of negative list in Shanghai Free Trade Zone. This paper analyzes the background and current situation of applying negative list model in Shanghai Free Trade area, and interprets the three versions of negative list text published by Shanghai Free Trade area so far. It is pointed out that the negative list of Shanghai Free Trade area is not perfect in legislation system, in form is not in line with international standards, in content is insufficient in opening to the service industry, transparency is not high, and the supporting system is not perfect. The fourth part is the international reference of negative list. This paper analyzes the negative list of representative countries from developed countries and developing countries, sums up their experiences, and provides reference for our country to make a better negative list. The fifth part is the overall implementation of the negative list of ideas and suggestions. Through the above mentioned, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the above deficiencies, including speeding up the revision of the Foreign Investment Law, enhancing the transparency of the negative list, setting international standards for the text docking, and reducing the negative list content. We will improve our foreign investment security review system.
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