发布时间:2018-05-04 02:10
本文选题:第三人原因 + 旅行社 ; 参考:《河北经贸大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近些年来,随着人民物质生活水平提高,极大的促进了我国旅游产业的迅猛发展,旅游交易量也不断上升,由此产生的纠纷问题也呈现增多的趋势。因为法律法规的不甚完善,导致旅游合同中旅行社的责任认定等相关的违约责任问题成了法律实践解决中的棘手问题。特别在旅游合同履行过程中,旅行社为保证服务质量,一般不会独自承担所有的合同给付义务,在此情形下第三人成为辅助旅游合同履行的不二合作伙伴,以此完成全部的旅游给付。此刻问题来了,在第三人因素导致旅游合同无法完全给付的情形下,旅行社在此时又应当具有怎样的责任呢?对于这一问题的答案,不同的学者有着不同的观点,它不单单是一个立法方面的问题,也是体现了一定的价值取向规则。 本文对该问题展开进行论述,这里谈到的旅行社违约责任指的是第三人因素导致的,对旅游者的违约该承担法律责任的问题。首先讨论第三人原因致旅行社违约责任概述,其次是界定第三人原因致旅行社违约责任认定问题,这里是从其构成要件、和免责事由两个方面进行分析;接下来是第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的承担,最后是我国第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的问题与解决,这里通过比较域外好的解决措施和相关的法规以期可以得出我国在第三人过错所致旅行社违约责任的责任承担方面完善的启示。 文章从以下几个方面进行讨论: 第一部分是引言,重点描述文章的研究背景、研究意义和研究目的,国内外关于第三人原因致旅行社违约责任研究的现状的比较介绍,本文的主要内容和创新点。 第二部分是第三人原因致旅行社违约责任概述。本部分首先对旅游合同进行分析界定,本质上就是对旅游合同的基本问题进行了介绍;接下来是旅行社与第三人的界定,内容部分主要是对“第三人原因”和由第三人原因导致的违约责任特点的分析;而后是对第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的理论基础进行探析,主要是从合同相对性原理、公平补偿原理和违约责任与侵权责任竞合等几方面进行介绍。 第三部分是第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的认定分析。主要包括两方面内容:第一第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的构成要件分析。第二,第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的免责事由分析,通过与各国免责事由的比较,得出本国的旅行社免责事由及限制有:不可抗力和免责条款两大类,最后点明旅游经营者免责对于第三人责任的影响。 第四部分是第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的承担。开始部分谈论承担的方式问题; 接下来是第三人与旅行社的责任限度划分,另一方面是第三人即履行中的旅游活动中辅助者的责任限度;另一方面是讲述旅行社的责任限度分析。 第五部分是我国旅行社责任问题的现状及其完善解决。先是对我国法律实践中存在的违约责任现状分析,考察了国内立法状况,通过《旅游法》的及相关司法解释的规定做了阐述;其次,对第三人原因致旅行社违约责任的法律建议:(1)规定旅游合同有名化,使再出现因旅游合同引起的纠纷变得有法可依,建立旅游辅助人直接向旅游者负责制度,加强对旅游者权益的保护;(2)加强旅行社的严格责任制,加强旅行社对自身的严格要求;(3)适度适用旅行社责任限制,为了使旅行社在经济市场的运行中更有动力和活力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the improvement of the people's material living standard, the rapid development of China's tourism industry has been greatly promoted, and the volume of tourism transactions is increasing, and the resulting disputes are also increasing. Because the laws and regulations are not perfect, the liability for the liability of travel agencies in the tourism contract and other related liability for breach of contract is caused. In the course of the performance of the tourism contract, the travel agency, in order to ensure the quality of the service, generally does not bear all the obligations of the contract alone. In this case, the three party becomes the partner of the supplementary tourism contract to fulfill the total payment. At the moment, the problem comes, at third When the tourist contract can not be fully paid by the human factors, what responsibility should the travel agency have at this time? Different scholars have different views on this question. It is not only a legislative issue, but also a certain value orientation rule.
This paper discusses the problem, and the liability for breach of contract refers to the third person factor, which should bear the legal responsibility for the breach of contract. First, we discuss the liability for breach of contract of the third party, followed by the definition of the liability for breach of contract by the third person. The constituent elements, and the disclaimer are analyzed in two aspects; the next third people cause the travel agency to bear the liability for breach of contract, and the last is the problem and settlement of the liability for the breach of the travel agency caused by the third people in our country. By comparing the extraterritorial solutions and relevant regulations, we can get the result of the fault of the third people in our country. The Enlightenment of travel agency's liability for breach of contract is perfect.
The article is discussed in the following aspects:
The first part is the introduction, which focuses on the background of the research, the significance and the purpose of the study, the comparative introduction of the status of the study on the liability for breach of contract between the third people at home and abroad, the main content and the innovation of this article.
The second part is an overview of the liability for breach of contract caused by third people. The first part of this section is to analyze and define the tourism contract, which is essentially an introduction to the basic problems of the tourism contract; the following is the definition of the travel agency and the third people, the content part is mainly to the "third people" and the third cause of the breach of contract. The analysis of the characteristics of responsibility, and then the theoretical basis for the third party cause of the liability for breach of contract, mainly from the principle of contract relativity, the principle of fair compensation and the concurrence of the liability for breach of contract and the liability for tort.
The third part is the analysis of the breach responsibility of the travel agency caused by the third party. It mainly includes two aspects: the analysis of the constitutive requirements of the breach responsibility of the travel agency for the first third people. Second, the analysis of the exemption of the breach responsibility of the travel agency caused by the third reasons, and through the comparison with the disclaimer from other countries, the travel agency is exempt from the travel agency. The causes and limitations are: two categories of force majeure and exemption clause. Finally, it points out the impact of tour operators' exemption on third party liability.
The fourth part is the reason for the third party's liability for breach of contract.
The next is the division of the liability limits between the third and the travel agencies, on the other hand, the limits of the responsibility of the third people, that is, the liability of the assistants in the tourism activities in the performance of the travel agency; on the other hand, the analysis of the liability limit of the travel agency.
The fifth part is the current situation and perfect solution of the responsibility of the travel agency in China. First, the present situation of the liability for breach of contract in China's legal practice is analyzed, the state of the domestic legislation is examined, and the provisions of the tourism law and relevant judicial interpretations are expounded. Secondly, the legal proposals for the breach of breach of the travel agency by the third people: (1) Stipulate the famous tourism contract, make the disputes caused by the tourism contract become legal, establish the system of the tourist assistant directly to the tourists, strengthen the protection of the tourists' rights and interests; (2) strengthen the strict liability system of the travel agency, strengthen the strict requirements of the travel agency to itself; (3) appropriate application of the travel agency liability limit, for Make travel agencies more dynamic and dynamic in the operation of the economic market.
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