本文选题:预算治理 + 现代预算 ; 参考:《东岳论丛》2017年08期
[Abstract]:Modern budget system is the cornerstone of national governance, how to practice the concept of budget governance has become the core proposition of promoting the modernization of national governance. In order to excavate the logical relationship between modern budget and budget governance, the standardization, democracy and performance of modern budget should be regarded as the important guidance to promote the modernization of budget governance. The normative expression of budget governance is the result of dynamic game compromise of various budget right subjects, and the essence is to realize the balance between budget rights. The democratic foundation of budget governance includes the dual degree of representative democracy and consultative democracy. The representative system is the direct guarantee of budget governance, and the consultation is a reasonable correction to the lack of publicity of budget under the representative system. The performance dimension of budget governance is the measurement standard and goal orientation of the modernization of budget governance, which reflects the good budget governance in the sense of budget results and budget objectives. In order to improve our country's budget governance ability, based on the above three dimensions, we should promote the balance of budget power allocation among legislation, administration and society, and consolidate representative democracy and development of consultative democracy. Accelerate the transformation from abstract performance to concrete performance.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;江西财经大学法学院;
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