本文选题:上市公司内部监督机制 + 选择 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Improving the internal supervision mechanism of listed companies is the key to the governance of listed companies. The internal supervision mechanism of listed companies in China is the board of supervisors system, which is parallel to the board of directors, and as the only supervisory organ to achieve the function of internal supervision. Later, the failure of the board of supervisors and the failure of internal supervision were caused by the fact that the state-owned shares of the listed companies in our country were dominant and the supervisors could not be truly independent. In order to remedy this defect, our country has introduced the independent director system in the common law system countries, thus began to implement the system of the board of supervisors and the independent director system parallel to the internal supervision mechanism of listed companies. After the introduction of the independent director system, whether the board of supervisors system and the independent director system should be parallel, and how to improve the internal supervision mechanism of listed companies in China has never been interrupted in academic research. Based on the above background, this paper will make a specific analysis of how to choose and perfect the internal supervision mechanism of listed companies. Starting with the selection of internal supervision mechanism of listed companies, this paper analyzes the current situation of the independent director system and the board of supervisors system, and draws lessons from the selection and experience of the internal supervision mechanism of foreign listed companies. Therefore, how to select and perfect the internal supervision mechanism of listed companies in China is discussed. This paper finds that the improvement of internal supervision mechanism of listed companies should be based on the choice of internal supervision mechanism of listed companies, that is, the choice to give our listed companies the right to choose independently. On the basis of choosing the system of board of supervisors or independent director, the system of board of supervisors and the system of independent director are improved respectively, and some suggestions are put forward for the perfection of these two systems. So that these two systems can be applied separately to achieve the purpose of internal supervision of listed companies in China.
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