本文选题:估值调整机制 + 适格主体 ; 参考:《法律适用》2015年06期
[Abstract]:Valuation adjustment agreement is a kind of adjustment mechanism caused by uncertain valuation of financing enterprises. Due to the uncertainty of this valuation, the investment and financing parties need to adjust or revise the current enterprise valuation and investment price according to the actual operation of the enterprise in the future. And in this kind of adjustment or amendment, the compensation arrangement is considered under the circumstance that the agreed conditions are not realized, that is, "gambling and losing". The valuation adjustment mechanism in practice is in the whirlpool of will autonomy and legal compliance, which is controversial. Among them, whether the financing company can become the appropriate subject of "gambling", and whether the valuation adjustment agreement with listing as the condition of "gambling" is effective or not is a more prominent issue, and there are two different viewpoints. The author thinks that the financing company should not be the effective subject of "gambling", that the valuation adjustment agreement of the above city as the target of commitment should be recognized as valid as long as it has the valid elements of the contract, and that the corresponding compensation clause should not be a case of applying the principle of change of circumstances. It should be carried out in accordance with the contract.
【作者单位】: 上海铁路运输法院;上海高院民二庭;
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