本文选题:“私贷公用” + 生产经营 ; 参考:《法学》2017年04期
[Abstract]:With regard to the judgment that "the borrowed items are used in the production and operation of the enterprise", There are certain elements such as "agreed loan purpose", "affixed official seal of enterprise", "loan remitted to enterprise account", "received loan", "enterprise self-recognition", "affixed personal seal", "remitted loan into personal account" and other negative elements, etc. Whether or not the above elements are satisfied should be determined through a comprehensive balance. For the joint responsibility of the enterprise and the legal representative or responsible person, "indirect agent" and "personality mixing" should not be taken as the general theoretical basis. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the lender shall distinguish whether the borrower knowingly borrows for the production and operation of the enterprise. When the lender is knowingly or ought to know, the enterprise is the debtor, and the legal representative or person in charge is the joint and several guarantor; when the lender is unknown, only when the enterprise agrees to repay or expressly acts as a guarantor, It shall be jointly and severally liable with the legal representative or person in charge. When the loan debt formed by "private loan and public use" is staggered with the joint debt of husband and wife to guarantee the debt and guarantee on the property, the type analysis should be carried out, and the responsibility to be borne by the parties should be reasonably distributed.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;南京大学中德法学研究所;
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