本文选题:企业并购 + 反垄断 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the end of the last century, the liberalization of investment has made the economy of all countries develop rapidly, and mergers and acquisitions have gradually become a worldwide economic phenomenon in this process. For many countries in the world, mergers and acquisitions have become an effective way for enterprises to expand and improve their economies of scale and international competitiveness. This is due to the merger and acquisition of enterprises. There are many positive effects, such as strengthening the strength of the enterprise, adjusting production, expanding market share, optimizing the allocation of resources and promoting the development of technology and economy. At the same time, mergers and acquisitions may also form a monopoly. In the process of promoting economic development, there will be no doubt that market competition will be excluded or restricted, resulting in damage to consumer welfare and even the welfare of consumers. The consequences of social and economic development are endangered. Therefore, all countries in the world supervise and control mergers and acquisitions in the sense of antitrust law. In the law of China, the control of mergers and acquisitions is also one of the contents of our anti-monopoly law. The anti-monopoly measures adopted by various countries are generally consistent, that is, the merger and acquisition enterprises are required. To declare the merger and acquisition, the difference lies in pre declaration or post declaration. After the end of the declaration, the competent authorities make a case for the declaration of conformity, and then review the specific provisions of the antitrust review, and finally make a decision on whether to approve the merger and acquisition. This article is mainly to find out the anti monopoly of the merger and acquisition of our enterprises. To examine the problems existing in the procedure, and to find ways to improve these problems, and to improve the fair and fair value of the antitrust review process, and to ensure the realization of procedural justice. While emphasizing procedural justice, we should also emphasize efficiency and realize the balance between procedural justice and efficiency. In this way, it is beneficial to improve efficiency and to emphasize procedural justice while guaranteeing efficiency. The improvement of procedural rules can not only improve the transparency of law enforcement, restrict the arbitrary behavior of law enforcement personnel, but also guide law enforcement behavior, reduce uncertainty of investment, and also enhance the operational nature of the substantive rules, and provide a comprehensive review for the merger and acquisition of enterprises. We can find that the procedural system of some countries is quite specific, and the entity system is relatively simple and has a tendency to continue to simplify. This trend is probably to make up for the lack of the strong applicability of the substantive rules. Compared to the European and American anti monopoly regulation of mergers and acquisitions in the European and American enterprises, we can find that the system of the anti-monopoly law of some countries is quite specific. In the historical development, China's anti monopoly supervision legislation on merger and acquisition is still at a low level, and there are still many shortcomings in the legislation. This paper has selected a discussion on the antitrust review procedure of enterprise merger and acquisition, which is quite important in the field of merger and acquisition and is relatively weak in existing research, and compares the EU and the United States in the review of the anti monopoly review of the merger and acquisition of enterprises. In order to find out the advanced ideas of European and American legislation on antitrust review procedure in order to provide reference for the improvement of the anti-monopoly review system in China, there are four chapters in this article. The first chapter summarizes the concept of enterprise merger and acquisition, the necessity of the review of the anti monopoly of enterprise merger and acquisition and the necessity of the perfection of the review procedure. The difference between merger and acquisition involved in the enterprise merger and acquisition, further clarifying the necessity of China's antitrust review and the necessity of improving the anti monopoly review procedure of enterprise merger and acquisition. The second chapter is mainly about the introduction of the antitrust review system of merger and acquisition in the European Union and the American legal system. The main system introduces the beauty of the system. The procedural regulations and law enforcement agencies of the antitrust review of the EU and the EU, and through comparison, find out the similarities and differences between the United States and the EU. The third chapter introduces the present situation of the antitrust review system in the state-owned enterprises' Merger and acquisition mainly through a case of enterprise merger and acquisition published on the official website of the Ministry of Commerce. The system introduces the procedural regulations of China's anti-monopoly review, the present situation of the review institutions and the legislation. The fourth chapter mainly summarizes the drawbacks in the review procedure of the merger and acquisition of enterprises in our country and puts forward some relevant suggestions. In order to improve our anti trust review procedure fair and fair, it is expected to improve our antitrust review procedure. The first is to improve the legal system of antitrust review, to establish a separate guide for enterprise merger and acquisition, and second, to perfect the anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies. Set up the specific responsibilities and division of labor; third, refine the hearing procedure, further guarantee the fairness and neutrality of the review procedure; fourth, increase the openness of the review process, and ensure the transparency of the review process.
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