本文选题:四川旅游 + 旅游市场 ; 参考:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:四川旅游近年来发展迅速,四川5A级景区就有10个,都江堰——青城山旅游景区、峨眉旅游景区、阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟风景区、乐山大佛景区、松潘黄龙风景区、阿坝汶川旅游区、邓小平故里、蜀道剑门关景区、阆中古城、北川羌城旅游区。可谓是旅游资源大省。吸引众多中外游客来川旅行。在自由行逐年上升趋势下,传统团队游依然发挥着重要作用。很多地方还是靠团队游来输送游客。但是现在旅游市场混乱和不规范直接体现在团队旅游的操作上。选择四川团队游做为研究对象,探索团队游中游客,导游在旅游市场中的行为特征。对四川旅游业改革具有重要意义。本研究在简要叙述旅游行业中游客,导游以及旅游市场表现研究基础上,以四川团队游为案例,进行实地问卷调研,采用SPSS19.0和EXCEL 2007进行数据处理,运用描述分析法、交叉列表等方法来研究团队游中游客、导游的行为研究。首先,统计了导游的社会基本属性和工作情况后得出:(1)导游普遍对行业改革不太满意,认为自身利益并没有得到保障。(2)多数导游并没有与旅行社签订劳动就业合同,职业年龄也都偏小,造成原因是旅游行业变更快,留不住人才,大多数只是把导游职业作为一种过渡。(3)在面对市面上的低价团时,多数导游会选择无奈接受。没有形成统一规范和旅游业固有的潜规则等原因造成。(4)2013年新版《旅游法》颁布以后导游工作环境改变,自身收益受到一定影响。(5)过多的导游负面报道影响了导游对自身职业的认同感,甚至会出现游客仗着《旅游法》进行“过渡维权”。(6)对于2016年在成都试行的导游自由化改革,大多数导游持支持和观望态度,目前依然离不开旅行社。其次在对几个景区团队游客情况分析后得出:(1)游客出行信息渠道增多,不再局限于传统旅行社推荐,互联网成为重要信息来源。(2)游客更偏向于“低价团”。旅行社为了争夺市场而进行的价格战。游客会从价格上就抵触高品质旅游。(3)对于团队出游消费指数,普遍偏低,表现出对旅游地商品不信任和价格抵触。(4)团队游客出游时间多集中在传统节日,这与国家假期制度息息相关,一定程度上影响到了团队旅游的集中时间点。(5)游客在自身素质上有明显提高,绝大多数能够遵守相关规定和道德准则。(6)游客普遍会遇到一些不合理操作,如自费项目,更改行程,标准降低等。
[Abstract]:Sichuan tourism has developed rapidly in recent years. There are 10 Sichuan 5A grade scenic spots, Dujiangyan Qingchengshan tourist area, Emei tourist area, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Jiuzhaigou Scenic area, Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic spot, Songpan Huanglong Scenic spot. Aba Wenchuan tourist area, Deng Xiaoping hometown, Shu Dao Jianmen Guan Scenic area, Langzhong Ancient City, Beichuan Qiang City tourist area. It can be described as a big province of tourism resources. Attract many Chinese and foreign tourists to Sichuan travel. Under the upward trend of free travel year by year, the traditional team tour still plays an important role. Many places still rely on group tours to transport tourists. But now the tourism market chaos and non-standard directly reflected in the operation of team tourism. Select Sichuan team Tour as the research object to explore the behavior characteristics of tourists and tour guides in the tourism market. Sichuan tourism reform is of great significance. On the basis of brief description of tourist, tour guide and tourism market performance in tourism industry, this study takes team tour in Sichuan as a case, carries on field questionnaire investigation, uses SPSS 19.0 and excel 2007 for data processing, and uses descriptive analysis method. Cross-list methods are used to study the behavior of tourists and tour guides. First of all, after statistics on the basic social attributes and working conditions of tour guides, it is concluded that: 1) tour guides are generally not very satisfied with the industry reform and think that their own interests have not been safeguarded) most tour guides have not signed labor employment contracts with travel agencies. The professional age is also small, the reason is that the tourism industry changes quickly and can't keep talent, most of them just take the tour guide profession as a transition.) when facing the low price group on the market, most tour guides will choose to accept it reluctantly. Reasons such as the lack of uniform norms and inherent hidden rules in the tourism industry resulted in a change in the working environment of tour guides after the promulgation of the 2013 new edition of the Tourism Law. Too many negative reports of tour guides have affected their sense of identity towards their own profession, and even tourists will rely on the Tourism Law to carry out "transitional rights protection". 6) the liberalization reform of tour guides in Chengdu in 2016 will be carried out on a trial basis. Most tour guides support and wait-and-see attitude, currently still inseparable from travel agencies. Secondly, after analyzing the tourist situation of several scenic spots, it is concluded that the number of tourist travel information channels increases and is no longer limited to the traditional travel agency recommendation, and the Internet becomes an important information source. A price war between travel agencies to compete for the market. Tourists will resist high quality tourism in terms of price.) the consumption index for team tours is generally on the low side, showing distrust of goods in tourist destinations and price conflicts. 4) the travel time of team tourists is mostly concentrated on traditional festivals. This is closely related to the national holiday system. To some extent, it affects the concentration time point of team tourism. The vast majority of visitors can comply with relevant regulations and ethical guidelines. 6) tourists will generally encounter some unreasonable operations, such as self-funded items, changes in itinerary, lower standards, and so on.
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