本文选题:盈余分配 + 利润分配请求权 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Shareholders enjoy the right to profit, and it is the duty of the company to distribute profits to shareholders. The company's profit distribution is not only related to the interests of shareholders and companies, but also closely related to the management, workers, creditors and state taxes. The principle of profit distribution is to respect the autonomy of the company, but when the autonomy of will is abused, the judiciary can intervene in the legal relationship within the company. As a result, a large number of cases related to profit distribution have been accumulated in judicial practice. This paper mainly adopts the method of case analysis and empirical research to collect, sort out, summarize and summarize the cases of "Company earnings Distribution disputes", which are published by China referee document Network. The purpose of this paper is to observe the practical background, the applicable situation, the existing problems and the practical solutions of the application of profit distribution norms. There are some common problems in surplus distribution litigation, and the judicial guidance opinion has been issued by various high courts. This paper also collects and arranges the contents of this part. The first chapter focuses on shareholders and related subjects in earnings distribution litigation. First of all, it analyzes the problem of shareholder identification reflected in litigation. Then, it summarizes the cases related to special identity, including four cases: the transferor claims the dividend, the dormant shareholder claims the dividend, the employee claims the dividend, and the object of the equity incentive advocates the dividend. Analyze the existing problems and the court's response respectively. The second chapter mainly discusses how to determine the distributable profits in earnings distribution litigation. The legal basis of profit accounting comes from the item of "net profit" or "undistributed profit" in audited financial accounting report. Some cases also involve the distribution of special forms of profit, such as non-cash profits, branch profits, specific returns, etc. In addition to the audit report, the company's internal financial documents, industrial and commercial tax return documents, shareholders' meeting resolutions have different certification effect. Furthermore, the rules of distribution of burden of proof influence the court's determination of profit. Forensic expertise has important value in determining profits, but it also has its limitations. The third chapter mainly discusses the judgment of the validity of shareholders' meeting resolution when there is dividend resolution in surplus distribution litigation. Decisions of shareholders' meetings are not necessarily invalid when they are inconsistent with the articles of association. The court has different views on the validity of the resolution if the dividend amount is more than the company's distributable profit, or if the provident fund is not withdrawn. In addition, shareholders will decide not to pay dividends, the court will first respect the company's business judgment. And resolution excludes individual stockholder to share out bonus, ask party shareholder agrees, ability to be effective to it. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the situation that there is no dividend resolution in earnings distribution litigation. If the plaintiff shareholder fails to file a resolution, the court will reject it in principle. And can according to the regulation of the distribution of dividend arrangements, there is controversy. When the company promises to pay dividends or has already paid dividends to some shareholders, the court often considers respecting autonomy of will and safeguarding equity equality, but whether or not the profits of the company should be examined at this time, the court's practice is different. The cases of other shareholders abusing their rights or directors and executives' fraud lead to no distribution of profits are very limited. This paper summarizes and analyzes the difficult problems of this kind of cases. The fifth chapter mainly discusses the confirmation of dividend ratio and dividend payment in earnings distribution litigation. The confirmation of the proportion of dividends between shareholders involves the determination of the amount of paid-in capital, the form of special agreement, the validity of the fixed rate of return or the agreement on the amount of income. Dividend payment involves individual income tax deduction, late payment of interest calculation and offset.
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