[Abstract]:Based on the experiences and lessons of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union in the deposit insurance system and the Core principles of the effective Deposit Insurance system in 2014, this paper makes an analysis of the newly effective Deposit Insurance regulations in China. In order to improve the deposit insurance system in China from the legal angle of view, the following suggestions are put forward: the deposit insurance system is clearly regulated in the form of law, and the moral hazard in the deposit insurance system is reduced. Not only the amount of deposit insurance compensation and the deposit type covered by deposit insurance should be restricted, but also the amount of deposit insurance indemnity and the insurance premium of insurance institution should be priced fairly. Depositors must be made aware of the existence and details of deposit insurance schemes in every possible way; only in exceptional circumstances can public funds be used to rescue troubled banks.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学法学院;
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