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发布时间:2018-07-26 13:37
[Abstract]:Because the existing stock financial institutions in the rural market can not solve the problem of rural financial development in China, the government tries to explore a new way of development through the incremental establishment of new rural financial institutions. Compared with the stock financial institutions, the new rural financial institutions show new characteristics, such as focusing more on serving "agriculture, countryside and farmers", opening up to private capital, and low threshold, which makes it of great significance in solving rural financial problems. But with a large number of cultivation of new rural financial institutions, the defects of related institutional arrangements are also exposed. In general, the existing institutional arrangements can not meet the "profitability" and "supporting agriculture" of new rural financial institutions. It is difficult for new rural financial institutions to achieve sustainable development due to the requirement of competition. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the existing institutions and the successful experience of foreign financial institutions, this paper puts forward specific improvement schemes. It is expected to help the healthy and sustainable development of new rural financial institutions. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into five parts. The first part mainly elaborates the realistic background and significance of the new rural financial institutions. It is pointed out that on the one hand, it is based on the important position of finance in economic development, on the other hand, the phenomenon of "systematic negative investment" exists for a long time because of the underdevelopment of rural financial market. Further shows that the emergence of this kind of institutions to improve the level of rural financial services importance. The second part analyzes the new rural financial institutions and the development of the status quo. First of all, it introduces and compares the village bank, the rural mutual fund cooperative, the loan company and the small loan company. This paper analyzes the new characteristics of the new rural financial institutions. Finally, according to its development status, pointed out the problems faced. The third part analyzes that the existing system can not adapt to the development of new rural financial institutions. Firstly, the author points out that the main reason of hindering the development of this kind of institution is the obstacle of relevant legal system, then analyzes the three aspects of institutional demand of the development of new rural financial institution, and points out that the existing institutional supply is not consistent with the institutional demand. Finally, the article analyzes the problems in the supply of the new rural financial institutions. The fourth part introduces the development model of foreign typical financial institutions. This paper introduces the development models of American Community Bank, Japan Agriculture Association and Bangladesh Grameen Bank, analyzes their characteristics and summarizes the experiences that can be used for reference by new rural financial institutions in China. The fifth part puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the new rural financial institutions. First of all, point out the overall goal of system perfection. Then, the specific measures, such as abolishing the current system of the new rural financial institutions to limit the source of funds, management control, establish an effective incentive system to improve the enthusiasm of the new rural financial institutions to support agriculture, improve the rural credit guarantee system. Agricultural insurance system is to construct a fair competition environment between new rural financial institutions and traditional rural financial institutions.


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