[Abstract]:With the maturing of the modern financial system of our country, the financial supervision of the people's Congress has been gradually perfected and developed, although the NPC has made active exploration and practice in strengthening and perfecting the financial supervision. But there are still many outstanding problems. The main manifestations are: the current laws and regulations are not perfect, the budget examination and approval organization is not scientific, the financial supervision of the people's Congress is a mere formality, the strict accountability mechanism is lacking, the final account examination is void, and the degree of specialization of the NPC deputies is not enough. Therefore, the train of thought to strengthen and improve the supervision of the financial budget of the people's Congress of our country should, on the premise of upholding and strengthening the basic political system of our country, actively explore the breakthrough for the people's congresses at all levels to give full play to their functions of supervision and examination. This article is divided into three parts, from the meaning and legal basis of the financial supervision of the people's Congress to the various problems and reasons in the financial supervision of the people's Congress, and then to the idea of improving the financial supervision of the people's Congress of our country. The first part: the meaning and legal basis of the financial supervision of the people's Congress. By expounding the important role of financial budget, the meaning and function of financial supervision of NPC, the essence of financial supervision of NPC in China is explored by analogy with Magna Carta of England, and the legal basis of financial supervision of NPC in China is also briefly described. The second part: by analyzing the present situation of the financial supervision of the people's Congress of our country, we find out the existing problems of the financial supervision of the people's Congress of our country and sum up the causes of the current problems of the financial supervision of the people's Congress of our country. The third part: the thought of improving the financial supervision of the people's Congress of our country. From the relationship with the party committee, the formulation of laws, regulations and systems, internal organizational structure construction and staffing, full-time representation, supervision of the whole process put forward some ideas.
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