[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet, electronic banking is a convenient and fast means of financial service. In the Internet era, electronic banking plays a very important role in the Internet era, from online shopping, transfer, and business transactions. However, while we enjoy the convenience, the electronic bank itself also carries the very big risk. In recent years, there have been more and more cases of embezzlement and fraud of consumer information. When electronic banks are exposed to risks, it is not only the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also the interests of banks, more importantly, the development of national economy. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the legal supervision of electronic banking. Only by raising the legislative level and establishing an international regulatory system can the interests of consumers and the banking industry be effectively protected. It also helps to maintain the normal operation of the financial system and provide a strong guarantee for the stable operation of the national economy.
【作者单位】: 山西大学法学院;山西大同大学政法学院;
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