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发布时间:2018-08-03 09:06
[Abstract]:The company guarantee is one of the concrete embodiment of the company's rights and abilities. At present, in the judicial and practical circles of our country, there is no shareholder meeting or shareholders' meeting. The act of providing security to the associated shareholders and actual controllers of the company is a common phenomenon in practice. In deciding similar cases, the court is based on the protection of the interests of minority shareholders. The consideration of safeguarding the interests of stakeholders and market transaction costs outside the company tends to determine in principle that the company's guarantee is effective. Through three typical cases, this paper analyzes the validity of the guarantee for the associated shareholders and actual controllers of the company without the consent of the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' general meeting. It is concluded that the judicial practice in our country at present tends to think that it is an effective judicial attitude to provide security for its associated shareholders and actual controllers without the consent of shareholders' meeting or shareholders' general meeting. On the basis of the above facts, the article analyzes Article 16, paragraph 2, of Company Law. The article affirms at first, and then further analyzes the normative nature of Article 16, paragraph 2, of Company Law by the method of purpose interpretation. On the basis of making clear that the second paragraph of Article 16 of the Company Law belongs to the management norm, the article requires that the meaning of the resolution of the shareholders' meeting or shareholders' meeting of the company, the scope of validity of the resolution of the shareholders' meeting or shareholders' general meeting, The three aspects of the protection of the third party's reasonable trust by commercial factionalism prove that the guarantee act without the resolution of shareholders' meeting or shareholders' meeting is considered to be valid. At the end of the paper, the author discusses whether the creditors should be examined within the reasonable limits in the judicial cases where the company provides security for shareholders and actual controllers, and makes it clear that when the company provides security for its shareholders or actual controllers, There should be reasonable obligation of formal examination, and the obligation of creditor's examination is operable and reasonable.


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