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发布时间:2018-08-08 15:48
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the market economy and the continuous improvement of the company system, the company as an important form of economic organization in the market economy, the scale of continuous development and growth. More and more investors, driven by common interests, set up companies in the hope of achieving the goal of pursuing economic interests through effective management and mutual cooperation. However, with the continuous development of the company, the company will inevitably face a variety of disputes and management will also fall into difficulties. Corporate deadlock is one of the fatal predicaments of the company, how to effectively avoid the emergence of corporate deadlock, after the emergence of corporate deadlock and how to effectively solve? According to the newly implemented Company Law in 2006, the shareholders of the company can apply to the court to dissolve the company in the deadlock of management. However, because the provisions of the law are too vague, although the corresponding judicial interpretation made by the Supreme people's Court later, the judicial relief system of the company deadlock still has many inconvenience and confusion in practice. At the same time, if only the judicial forced dissolution of the company this way to relieve the deadlock, it will inevitably cause huge losses to the company, shareholders, creditors and other related stakeholders, and even affect the social and economic order. In view of this, when dealing with corporate deadlock cases, we should try to find other effective relief measures, continue to seek new relief measures on the basis of existing relief measures, and try to avoid disbanding those with good economic benefits. Companies that can also contribute to social and economic development. Based on a typical case of corporate deadlock this year and on the basis of concrete analysis of the judicial relief system of corporate deadlock in China, this paper summarizes some alternative remedies for corporate deadlock. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the content of the text is divided into five chapters, the main content is as follows: at the beginning of this article, the basic situation of the case is briefly introduced. In recent years, the application for judicial dissolution often occurs because of the deadlock of the company. This paper selects a relatively typical corporate deadlock case from the recent judicial practice, and through the in-depth analysis of the case leads to the dispute focus of the case. Thus the discussion of the deadlock of the company is carried out. After a deep interpretation of the concept of corporate deadlock, the paper briefly explains the reasons for the formation of corporate deadlock and the huge losses to companies, shareholders and other relevant stakeholders after the formation of corporate deadlock. Because the limited company has the characteristic of human being and closure, the disputes within the company are easy to produce and difficult to solve. Only relying on corporate autonomy can not alleviate the conflict between shareholders, and need to help other forces to remedy the company. Therefore, judicial intervention in corporate governance is reasonable and the principle of judicial intervention in corporate deadlock should be adhered to. As a general trend, the judicial system in our country is also playing an active role in the process of corporate governance, and the scope of judicial intervention on corporate affairs is also expanding. Finally, the core of this paper, through the legal analysis of the case, summarized some corporate deadlock relief ways. Although the company in the deadlock of judicial dissolution has completely resolved the disputes of the company and protected the interests of some shareholders, but to the company, the shareholders or the whole society, the judicial dissolution of the company has great harmfulness. Therefore, in addition to further perfecting the judicial dissolution system, we should explore other relief ways to find a better way to break the deadlock of the company.


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