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发布时间:2018-08-25 09:10
[Abstract]:With the increasing demand of consumers for overseas commodities, the cross-border online purchasing industry in online shopping has seen an unprecedented strong development momentum. However, the cross-border network purchasing industry has brought huge economic benefits to our country, but there are also some system defects such as the lack of supervision over the agent buyers by customs. After analyzing the relevant research documents in recent years, the author finds that although scholars have expressed their opinions on customs supervision of cross-border online purchasing from different academic perspectives, the research still has defects. First of all, scholars' analysis of the problems existing in cross-border network purchasing is more macroscopic, and few of them are analyzed to the specific supervision links. Secondly, the design of customs supervision legal system in cross-border network purchasing is scattered. There is no systematic customs supervision scheme. Finally, many optimization suggestions put forward by scholars are relatively general, and the system maneuverability needs to be strengthened. Cross-border network purchasing is a new business model in our country, and it is still in the initial stage of expansion. Therefore, customs supervision should not place too much emphasis on restrictions on its commercial behavior, but should be innovated through the system of customs supervision and control. Efforts will be made to create a better legal and policy environment. Therefore, based on the basic principles of safeguarding the national economic interests and promoting the healthy and orderly development of cross-border online daigou, this paper first analyzes the legal relationship in China's cross-border online daigou, and then takes the purpose and key links of customs supervision as the starting point. The existing problems are analyzed. It is pointed out that in the aspect of customs clearance procedure, the identification of "personal articles for personal use" is not clear, the registration system of customs goods is not perfect, and the monitoring system for purchasing agents is not perfect. There are some problems such as unreasonable valuation system and imperfect monitoring system for the purchasing agent. In the following supervision, there is not enough docking with the third party platform. Contact with other regulatory authorities to be strengthened and illegal reporting system still needs to be improved. Finally, this paper puts forward several tentative ideas on how to perfect the customs supervision system of cross-border network purchasing on behalf: in the aspect of customs registration system, we should perfect the registration system of the agent buyers and customs goods, and in the aspect of the customs tax collection system, We should perfect the system of customs valuation and penalty for tax evasion, strengthen the supervision and cooperation with other regulatory departments, optimize the information inquiry system of customs goods and improve the reporting system of illegal transactions.


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