[Abstract]:Card insurance business is a new thing, how to interpret and position its business process is unclear. The same contract theory regards the purchase and activation of the card as two stages of the conclusion of the insurance contract, and can be divided into the establishment of the purchase of the card and the establishment of the successful activation. Different theories regard purchase card and activation as two contracts. According to the different understanding of the relationship between the two contracts, the different theories can be divided into book reservation theory and complete independence theory. Some problems, such as the same price and the same price, can be explained, but the application is complicated. The theory of complete independence overcomes the above problems, and the behavior of buying card and activating is accurately defined. It can be used as the analytical framework of card insurance business. With regard to the effective time of electronic card insurance policy and the beginning time of insurance liability, we should start with the connotation and effect of the declaration made by the insurer on the self-insurance card in practice. It is determined that the time point when an electronic policy is generated after activation is the effective time of an electronic card insurance policy, and the specific time point after activation indicated in the statement is the commencement time of insurance liability.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;
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