[Abstract]:This paper chooses the income tax problem of enterprise equity acquisition as the research object, according to the relevant cases and the relevant tax laws and regulations of our country, analyzes the income tax problem of the enterprise equity acquisition. And some shortcomings are discussed and analyzed. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part briefly introduces the concept and classification of stock ownership acquisition in China, and puts forward three principles that should be adhered to in stock ownership acquisition of Chinese enterprises: legal principle of taxation, principle of tax fairness and principle of tax neutrality. In addition, according to Professor Zhang Shouwen's taxability, the tax theory foundation of income tax on stock acquisition is analyzed. The second part mainly introduces the specific provisions of the current tax law on corporate equity acquisition, and analyzes and compares the general tax treatment and the special tax treatment according to two specific cases. Thus intuitively points out the difference between two different tax processing methods. According to the above discussion and analysis, the third part points out the specific problems existing in the enterprise equity acquisition in the current tax laws and regulations of our country, thus explaining the space for the further improvement of the tax laws and regulations on the ownership acquisition in China. The fourth part mainly introduces the income tax system of American and German enterprises from the aspects of general tax treatment and special tax treatment. In view of the perfect development of the capital market and the long history of merger and reorganization, it can provide a great reference for China's equity acquisition. The fifth part mainly enumerates the suggestion from the microscopic aspect to consummate our country enterprise equity purchase income tax.
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