[Abstract]:China's anti-monopoly law has made remarkable progress in public enforcement after a "storm of antitrust" erupted in 2014, when antitrust law enforcement agencies imposed 1.2 billion fines on Japanese companies. In the field of civil litigation, the Supreme people's Court has made great progress in the history of antitrust litigation. But on the whole, the initiative of Chinese citizens to claim the right and seek relief is not very high. Here, on the one hand, the reason is that the importance of anti-monopoly law has not attracted public attention and the lack of competition culture in China, on the other hand, the litigation mechanism associated with anti-monopoly litigation is relatively imperfect. As a costly and time-consuming antitrust lawsuit, it is difficult for ordinary people to directly sue large monopolists if the burden of proof of both sides of the original defendant can not be distributed well and reasonable standard of proof is designed. The reason why Qihu v. Tencent can complete the procedure completely is that both sides of the original defendant are enterprises with certain strength. In the case disputes related to the abuse of market dominant position, there is the problem of the plaintiff having difficulty in proving evidence in the course of the trial. This will weaken the enthusiasm of consumers or operators aggrieved by abuse to rely on judicial power to safeguard their own interests in accordance with the Anti-monopoly Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-Monopoly Law). < the Supreme people Provisions of the Court on the Application of Law in hearing cases of Civil disputes caused by Monopoly. (hereinafter referred to as "Judicial interpretation of Monopoly disputes"), to a certain extent, the difficulty of proving evidence for the plaintiff has been alleviated. However, there are still some imperfections, which are mainly reflected in the fact that the distribution of the burden of proof in this kind of dispute has not made a great breakthrough in the judicial interpretation. The judicial interpretation has no substantive provisions on lightening the burden of proof and reversing the burden of proof. The judicial interpretation of the Supreme people's Court is a guiding opinion on how to operate the Anti-monopoly Law in practice. Judicial interpretation cannot conflict with the laws formulated and deliberated by the National people's Congress. They also have no right to amend and supplement the contents of the Anti-monopoly Law, because the NPC and its standing Committee always hold the power of judicial interpretation of the law. The Anti-monopoly Law does not provide for this, and it is very difficult for the Supreme Court to make a substantial breakthrough in this content. Therefore, the plaintiff still bears a heavy burden of proof in the abuse of market dominant position litigation. The burden of proof for abusing the dominant position of the market should take "who claims, who proves" as the first principle, but because of the particularity of antitrust cases, the burden of proof of some facts should be adjusted. A better proof of the facts of the case. This paper attempts to make an empirical analysis of the facts and judgments in Qihu v. Tencent case, to discuss the difficulty of proving evidence in specific cases, and to put forward corresponding countermeasures in order to benefit the abuse of the burden of proof of market dominance in our country.
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