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发布时间:2018-11-26 12:25
[Abstract]:The "Nanjing Ericsson incident" in 2001 marked the formal entry of factoring without recourse into China. In 2012, the factoring business in our country reached 2.83 trillion RMB, but the factoring business with recourse accounted for more than 70% of the factoring business. This does not accord with the development of factoring business itself and deviates from the trend of factoring business development in the world. One of the important reasons for the slow development of non-recourse factoring business in China is that it is unable to regulate the legal problems in the practical operation of non-recourse factoring business. In view of this, this paper based on the development of non-recourse factoring business in China, through the theoretical analysis of non-recourse factoring business, determine its legal nature. This paper summarizes the legal problems and legal risks existing in the development of non-recourse factoring business by commercial banks in our country, combining with the advanced experience of foreign developed countries, puts forward corresponding countermeasures and preventive measures, and perfects them in terms of laws and regulations. In order to promote the non-recourse factoring business healthy and rapid development. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the question. Through the guidance of two real events, this paper points out the confusion of the operation procedure of commercial banks in carrying out the non-recourse factoring business, and then leads to the research theme of this paper, "how to guide from the angle of law," Standardize the practice of non-recourse factoring business. " The second part introduces the basic operation mode of the non-recourse factoring business and determines its legal nature and the legal relationship between the parties. By reviewing the existing viewpoints, it is proved that non-recourse factoring is a comprehensive financial service centered on the transfer of creditor's rights. The third part introduces the current situation and legal problems of non-recourse factoring business in China. This paper sums up the legal gaps in the provisions on the transfer of accounts receivable in Chinese law, analyzes the legal problems that may arise in the course of the transfer of accounts receivable claims, and the legal risks that may arise in the practical operation. It includes the legality of the transfer of accounts receivable, the legal problems of validity and multiple transfers, the legal risk of defects in the performance of the basic contract and the risk of credit. The fourth part introduces the relevant legislation of other countries, represented by the United States and Japan, where the non-recourse factoring business is developed. Combined with the current situation of the development of non-recourse factoring business in our country, and the comparative analysis, the purpose is to perfect the relevant legislation of our country to use for reference. It includes the registration system of assignment of creditor's rights as stipulated in the uniform Commercial Code of the United States and the principle of priority of notice of assignment of creditor's rights in Japanese law. The last part is the foothold of this paper, and puts forward the idea of perfecting our country's non-recourse factoring business system. The commercial banks themselves improve the legal risk control system by strengthening the credit review and notification confirmation, establishing the recourse mechanism of the seller's guarantee, choosing the appropriate factors to cooperate and choosing the cooperation with the insurance company. By learning from the relevant legislation of other developed countries in foreign factoring business, we can perfect the relevant laws and regulations of factoring without recourse in our country, including establishing the validity of the transfer of future creditor's rights, and establishing the effect of the clause of prohibition of assignment. To reduce legal disputes by establishing the form of notice of assignment of creditor's rights and the registration system of transfer of creditor's rights; By perfecting the regulatory system of factoring business of commercial banks and perfecting the credit management system of Chinese enterprises, we can promote the healthy development of factoring business without recourse in our country.


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