[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of the sharing economy has had a subversive effect on the traditional economy. Sharing economy has the characteristics of extensive participation in the main body, relying on the Internet, and there are many problems in practical operation, which bring pressure and challenge to government supervision. Europe and the United States and other countries in the sharing of economic regulation have their own characteristics, a lot of experience is worth learning. Theoretically, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of sharing economy, but it is necessary to clarify the supervision boundary step by step. It is a rational choice to regulate the development of sharing economy to adopt responsive supervision strategy. In order to promote the healthy development of China's shared economy, we should change the concept of supervision, strengthen the top-level design, perfect the legislation and so on.
【作者单位】: 山东建筑大学法学院;
【基金】:山东省社科规划项目“私人规制视阈下的公共工程监管研究”(14DFXJ03) 中国法学会课题“公共工程私人规制的行政法研究”(CLS[2014]D019)
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