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发布时间:2018-12-29 13:04
[Abstract]:The strict liability for food safety tort is beneficial to the protection of the rights and interests of the injured third party, but if the liability cannot guarantee the compensation ability of the person responsible for the accident, the strict liability will not achieve the purpose of relief. Therefore, the compulsory liability insurance of food safety becomes the first choice to remedy the defect of tort liability law. "strong food insurance" refers to the legal insurance of the subject matter of the insurance based on the liability of the insured for the losses suffered by the third party in the food safety accident according to law. The aim of the legislation is to provide fast and basic protection to the third party of the accident. In order to achieve this, in addition to compulsory insurance, it is necessary to design a system different from that of general liability insurance in the following areas: first, with regard to the subject of the claim, According to the principle of relativity of contract, the third party of food safety accident is not the main part of the liability insurance contract, and the third party can only claim compensation from the insurer through the insured. Therefore, in order to realize the maximization of the third party's rights and interests, the third party should be granted the right to claim compensation directly from the insurance company. Secondly, in the compensation scope, in order to make the third party get the compensation of maintaining the basic living amount, the system of limitation of the insurer's liability for payment should be strictly regulated. Finally, on the basis of insurance liability, as insurance contract is an important basis for the insurer to assume liability for compensation, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the contract, it is necessary to limit the change of both parties to the contract, remove it, and terminate the compulsory liability insurance contract. Establish a strict system for maintaining the effectiveness of contracts. The above three systems are the core contents of the third party protection mechanism. In order to build a perfect third party protection mechanism, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: first, establish the third party's right of direct claim by legislation, optimize the path of third party's claim, allow the third party to sue the insurer directly to avoid repeated litigation. Secondly, the insurer should be allowed to exclude compensation for property loss, moral damages and punitive damages caused by accidents from compulsory liability coverage, only to meet the normal needs of the third party to maintain a basic life. In addition, in order to protect the interests of the third party, the intentional act of the insured should be included in the scope of insurance, and the insurer should be given the right of recovery in advance. Thirdly, strictly limit the change, rescission and termination of insurance contract. For the insurer, the insurance company may terminate the contract only if the policyholder violates the obligation to inform truthfully or intentionally creates an insurance accident; For policy-holders, the contract may not be terminated in advance unless cancellation or revocation of business license occurs. The rescission of the contract shall not be retroactive, but the insurer shall have the right to advance payment and recovery.


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