[Abstract]:It is an important issue in the legal theory and system practice that non-profit organizations enjoy the duty-free qualification. American academic circles put forward different theories to prove the rationality of the non-profit organizations entitled to tax exemption, and the mainstream theory as the subsidy theory, but altruism theory also showed a strong influence. Integrating all kinds of theories can be divided into two paths: one is the path of functionalism, which focuses on the products and services provided by non-profit organizations, which is operable; the other is the path of ethics and morality, which is instructive. The existing tax law theory of our country basically follows the subsidy theory, but emphasizes the behavior and neglects the main body, has the obvious deficiency. The theory of tax exemption qualification in the future should be the unity of functional interpretation and moral interpretation. In the design of legal system, the threshold of entry should be wide, the process supervision should be tightened, and the responsibility should be investigated strictly.
【作者单位】: 浙江财经大学法学院;
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