[Abstract]:The articles of association have always been regarded as the "small constitution" within the company, which is the natural derivation of the legal personality. It stipulates that the composition and operation of the company is the main basis of the company's autonomy, and it is also the important basis for the basic activities of the company. Company articles of association are the carrier of shareholders' will autonomy, as an important means of company autonomy, the importance of company articles of association becomes more and more prominent. The in-depth study of company articles of association is beneficial to standardize the development of the company and protect the interests of the parties concerned. Taking the legal value of the articles of association as the starting point, this paper first expounds the position and function of the articles of association in the legal practice of various countries, and then illustrates the serious consequences of the "stupid articles of association" in the practice of the company with a case study. The author also analyzes the effect of setting unfavorable clauses on other shareholders in the articles of association, and hopes to illustrate the importance of the articles of association through a case study. Finally, with reference to the mature legislative model of Anglo-American legal system countries and combined with the current situation of legislation in our country, this paper puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the regulation of our company's constitution.
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