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发布时间:2019-04-28 20:01
[Abstract]:Under the modern enterprise system, with the development of affiliated enterprises, a variety of problems also emerge one after another. There may exist some problems in the existence of affiliated enterprises, such as the mixing of meaning organization, person, property, etc., the abuse of the relationship between assets, the transfer of debts among affiliated enterprises, and so on. The independent personality of legal persons of subordinate enterprises faces the risk of damage. In the case of the bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises, the above-mentioned may further highlight the deterioration, subordinate enterprises, creditors and even control of the rights and interests of enterprises may be damaged, which poses a difficult problem for the current company law, bankruptcy law. The author thinks that it is very difficult, even impossible, to balance the interests of various stakeholders by strictly quantifying the bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises, and can only optimize the system theory design and program design to protect and balance the interests of the creditors and the interests of each interest body to the maximum extent possible in order to protect and balance the interests of the creditors and the stakeholders. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, put forward the problem, that is, the current company law, bankruptcy law facing difficulties and challenges. When the affiliated enterprise goes bankrupt, there are many conflicts of interest among the related enterprises, external creditors and investors, and the current bankruptcy law and the company law are in a difficult position to some extent. The second part introduces and analyzes the theoretical support and institutional value of substantive merger bankruptcy. The theory and practice of related enterprise bankruptcy has experienced the development from "enterprise entity theory" to "enterprise law theory", the system of corporate personality denial, the principle of subordinate claim, and the principle of substantive merger are based on and developed in the theory of substantive law and enterprise law. It is the primary pursuit of bankruptcy system to pay off creditors fairly and materially, and the principle of efficiency has been paid more and more attention because of the embodiment of substantive fairness. The third part explores the applicable conditions of substantive merger and bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises. First of all, the applicable subject of merger and bankruptcy is the affiliated enterprise which meets the specific conditions. Secondly, the applicable reference factors of merger and bankruptcy include the highly mixed personality of legal person, the difficult separation of assets, the balance of interests of creditors and the declaration of intermediary third party and so on. Finally, the exclusion of the application of the principle of caution and two specific circumstances of exclusion. The fourth part, combining theory and practice, discusses the procedure design and operation of merger and bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises. To some extent, it is necessary to consider the starting mode of the proceedings, the subject of the merger bankruptcy application, the determination of the jurisdiction court, the allocation of the burden of proof, the assignment of the administrator and the transfer of the work, and so on. The start-up mode of substantive merger and bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises has three kinds of cases, such as "first merge, then go bankrupt" and so on. The applicants for substantial merger bankruptcy include creditors, debtors and administrators. In the determination of the jurisdiction court, the center of interest theory can be combined with the designated jurisdiction. In the case of creditors applying for merger and bankruptcy, how to assume the burden of proof is worth exploring. The people's court shall determine the administrator according to the actual situation of the bankruptcy of the affiliated enterprise. The cooperation between the courts of jurisdiction and the effective transfer of work are beneficial to the unification and orderly process of merger and bankruptcy.


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