[Abstract]:In practice, in addition to the investigation and punishment of resale price maintenance agreement cases by anti-monopoly administrative law enforcement agencies, the civil action against monopoly brought by the main body of the market has also become an important driving force for the anti-monopoly law to control the resale price maintenance agreement. From the point of view of antitrust judicial practice in our country, the number of cases of resale price maintenance agreement disputes is gradually increasing, and there is a development trend of serious harm, which puts forward higher requirements for the judicial organs to deal with such disputes. Based on the perspective of anti-monopoly civil litigation, this paper takes the typical case of anti-monopoly judicial practice, "Ruibang v. Qiangsheng case" as a clue. This paper sums up the controversial legal application problems to be solved urgently in the dispute settlement of resale price maintenance agreement: whether the participants in the resale price maintenance agreement have the qualification of plaintiff, and how to determine the illegality of the resale price maintenance agreement. And how to distribute the burden of proof of anti-competitive effect of resale price maintenance agreement. The three controversial legal issues are related to each other, which belong to the beginning, middle and end of the dispute settlement process of resale price maintenance agreement, and are unified in the process of resale price maintenance agreement dispute settlement. Starting from the present situation of the development of the market economy in our country, based on the legislative purpose of the Anti-monopoly Law of our country, and referring to the mature experience of the anti-monopoly legislation and judicial practice of the United States and the European Union, This paper analyzes the legal issues mentioned above and draws the following conclusions: for the settlement of the dispute of resale price maintenance agreement, our country should make it clear that the participants in the resale price maintenance agreement should file antitrust civil litigation with the qualification of plaintiff; The principle of "exemption from illegal exceptions" should be applied to the determination of the illegality of the resale price maintenance agreement. The plaintiff does not have to bear the burden of proof of the anti-competitive effect of the resale price maintenance agreement, but the defendant should bear the burden of proof that the agreement meets the legal exemption conditions.
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