[Abstract]:Fair competition review system is a top innovation to prevent administrative monopoly from the source of policy, and its core mechanism is that the administrative organization that formulates policy measures examines the competition compliance of its own behavior. " The mechanism of self-examination contains a perverse dilemma that cannot be examined because of lack of ability and is unwilling to be censored because of incentive distortion. The idea of breaking this dilemma is to take the information of competition compliance of specific administrative organizations as the "achievements" or "bad deeds" of the principal officials, and to bring them into the reference factors of the examination of appointment and removal of cadres. Therefore, we should consider establishing a fair competition review information processing mechanism characterized by national unity, open participation and multi-party interaction, which has the functions of centralized reporting, decentralized self-investigation, result feedback, hierarchical supervision and statistical publicity.
【作者单位】: 上海大学法学院;
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