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发布时间:2019-06-17 08:54
[Abstract]:With the development of Internet application and computer technology and the popularization of computer, the Internet industry is rising rapidly, and the network economy has become a part that can not be ignored in the process of economic development in our country. However, the prosperity of the network economy has not only brought about the advantages, but also produced many legal problems. In recent years, the monopoly problem, which has been widely concerned by the society, is one of them. At present, the Internet industry of our country has moved from the stage of free competition to the stage of monopoly competition, and even gradually entered the stage of oligopoly in some fields. In order to maintain its market position and high profit, some network giants with dominant position in the market have made use of their dominant position to eliminate and limit the competition in the relevant market. The emergence of network monopoly behavior is bound to disrupt the fair market competition order, damage the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and even hinder the development of Internet economy and even the whole social economy. Because the network monopoly behavior has the particularity which is different from the traditional monopoly behavior, in addition, the legal regulation of the network monopoly behavior in our country still needs to be further improved. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study how to effectively regulate network monopoly behavior. This paper mainly discusses the legal regulation of network monopoly behavior in our country, and puts forward its own views and suggestions, in order to perfect and perfect the regulations of regulating network monopoly behavior in our country, so as to better meet the needs of social and economic development. This paper mainly discusses the legal regulation of network monopoly behavior from the following aspects. In the introduction, the author first introduces the writing background of this paper and the current research status of network monopoly behavior, points out the purpose and significance of the article, and then sums up the research methods and innovations of this paper. The first part: an overview of network monopoly behavior. First of all, this paper introduces the basic concept of network monopoly behavior; secondly, by analyzing the characteristics of network monopoly behavior, it points out the particularity of network monopoly behavior which is different from the traditional monopoly behavior; finally, it studies and analyzes the harm of network monopoly behavior. The second part: the manifestation of network monopoly behavior. This part describes the main forms of network monopoly, including the conclusion of network monopoly agreement and abuse of market dominant position. The third part: the current legal review of the legal regulation of network monopoly behavior. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of the legal regulation of the network monopoly behavior in our country, this part points out the problems existing in the legal regulation of the network monopoly behavior in our country at present. The fourth part: the suggestion of perfecting the legal regulation of network monopoly behavior. This part puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the problems existing in the legal regulation of network monopoly behavior in our country, mainly from the aspects of perfecting the legal norm system of anti-monopoly, perfecting the legal liability system, establishing the supervision system of multi-level network monopoly behavior, and defining the corporate social responsibility.


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