[Abstract]:On December 1, on the day of the implementation of the revised regulations, a working meeting on the propaganda and implementation of the regulations was held in Kashgar, Xinjiang. Chen Zhijiang, member of the Kashgar prefecture committee and executive deputy commissioner of the agency, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech. Wang Xuefeng, director of the Kashgar Regional Radio Administration Bureau, interpreted the regulations. Chen Zhijiang stressed that it is necessary to clearly understand the situation, accurately grasp the spirit of the regulations, and all relevant departments and enterprises and institutions should understand the significance of the promulgation and implementation of the revised regulations from the national strategic height, from the height of resource management and protection, conscientiously study, accurately grasp, allocate spectrum resources more scientifically and reasonably, and better maintain the air.
【作者单位】: 新疆维吾尔自治区喀什无线电管理局;
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