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发布时间:2018-05-08 10:25

  本文选题:地方立法 + 立法权限 ; 参考:《吉林人大》2015年12期

[Abstract]:The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law on several important issues" adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward the following: "clear local legislative powers and scope are given to municipalities with legislative powers in accordance with law." In accordance with the spirit of the fourth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, on March 15, 2015, the third session of the Twelfth National people's Congress (NPC) deliberated on and amended the legislation Law of the people's Republic of China. According to the amended legislation Law, the power to formulate local laws and regulations has been delegated to "district cities." In the past, only the provincial capitals, the larger cities approved by the State Council and the cities in which the special economic zones are located had local legislative powers. A city with a population of more than one million
【作者单位】: 白城市人大内司委;白城市人大办公室;


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