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发布时间:2018-11-28 12:54
[Abstract]:The increasing number of business events of personality characteristics enables businesses to increase the sales of their own products through the image of others, especially celebrities, and more celebrities give their own voices, portraits, names and other personality characteristics to enterprises to carry out business activities. However, due to the lack of legislation, when the right holder, in order to protect the property rights of his own personality logo, demands to prohibit the unauthorized commercial use of his personality logo by others and to claim financial compensation, China is often unable to provide due protection and relief to the obligee. The traditional civil law holds that the personality right is the right with personality as the content and the spiritual interest which embodies the value of human dignity as the object of protection. It does not have the property interest, which is followed by the basic idea of the German civil law in the 19th century. It is based on Kant's philosophy and Savini's theory of right. However, since the 20th century, people's lives have changed significantly, and this view is no longer suitable for people's daily life. Therefore, to understand the legitimate philosophical basis, we still need to start with Kant's theory. This paper provides a philosophical basis for the commercialization of personality right through the recognitive arrangement of Kant's moral law and his theory of free will. America distinguishes the right of privacy from the right of publicity to protect the right of commercialization by the model of dual rights, so as to adjust and protect the interests of various personality. In addition, Germany puts the commercialization of personality right within the framework of personality right and implements the unified right mode to expand the interpretation of general personality right through judicial interpretation to cover the field of commoditization of personality right. In addition, through the research on the judicial practice of the commercialization of personality right in our country, this paper puts forward some opinions on the protection of the commercialization of personality right in the civil law of our country, that is, to confirm the property interests in personality right, and to clarify the way of relief.


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