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  本文选题:保险 切入点:代位求偿 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:保险代位权是解决保险事故发生后,保险人、被保险人和第三人之间(在因第三人原因造成保险事故的情况下)利益分配问题的一种制度设计,它在填补被保险人损害、防止其不当得利的同时,也防止了第三人逃脱承担损害赔偿责任。在权利性质上,保险代位权是一种债权请求权,保险人基于债权移转的原因取得和行使该权利。所以,在该债权请求权取得和行使过程中产生的许多问题,可以用债权移转的原理进行分析、解决。从制度层面讲,保险代位权是保险法中财产保险的一项重要制度,我国《保险法》在财产保险部分对该权利作出了规定。本文根据保险代位权制度设计的初衷,以《保险法》第60条1款、第3款和第62条为分析框架,结合债权移转的理论,拟从制度层面对保险代位权所进行系统的探讨和研究。 从结构上,本文分为四个部分:保险代位权概述、保险代位权行使的条件及对象、因行使保险代位权而产生的受偿顺序问题,以及保险代位权的诉讼时效。第一部分“保险代位权概述”介绍了保险代位权的运行原理和该权利的性质与功能;第二部分“保险代位权行使的条件及对象”对《保险法》第60条第1款和第62条进行了解释,并结合保险代位权的性质与功能对行使该权利的两个条件和该权利行使对象的限制进行了具体分析;第三部分提出了因行使保险代位权而产生的受偿顺序问题,并根据《保险法》第60条第3款的规定分析了解决的方法;第四部分“保险代位权的诉讼时效”,着重提出了诉讼时效的起算点问题,并结合保险代位权制度的设计初衷和权利性质予以分析。
[Abstract]:The right of insurance subrogation is to solve the insurance after the accident, the insurer, between the insured and the third person (for third people in the cause of the insurance accident case) a system design of interest distribution, it insured damage in filling, to prevent the unjust enrichment at the same time, but also to prevent third people escape bear the liability for damages. In the nature of the right, the right of insurance subrogation is a kind of creditor's rights, the insurer has the right to exercise and cause the transfer of claims based on. Therefore, many problems arise in the claims made in the process of exercising and the principle can be used to analyze the transfer of claims, from the institution. And the right of insurance subrogation is an important system in the law of insurance of property insurance, China Insurance Law > < in the property insurance part of the right to make the rules. According to the insurance subrogation system was originally designed to "insurance law" The sixtieth 1, third and sixty-second are the analytical frameworks, combining the theory of the transfer of creditor's rights. It is intended to discuss and study the system of the insurance subrogation from the institutional level.
From the structure, this paper is divided into four parts: the introduction of insurance subrogation, conditions and objects of right of insurance subrogation, arising from the exercise of the right of insurance subrogation priority issues, and insurance subrogation litigation. The first part is overview of insurance subrogation describes the operating principle of the insurance subrogation right and the rights of nature and function; the second part of "the insurance subrogation conditions and object of" insurance law "> sixtieth paragraph first and sixty-second is explained, the nature and function of insurance subrogation and combined with the two conditions for the exercise of the right and the right to exercise the object are analyzed; the third part presents arising from the exercise of the right of insurance subrogation priority issues, and according to the provisions of the third paragraph of article sixtieth of the insurance law > solution analysis; the fourth part of" the right of insurance subrogation litigation ", emphatically mention The problem of the starting point of the limitation of action is given, and the original intention and nature of the rights of the insurance subrogation are analyzed.



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