本文选题:宪政 + 民法 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:宪政是宪法实践与宪政价值的有机结合体,其逻辑起点是广义的宪法,其追求的价值在于人权。 宪政对民法的基础性意义凸显于两个层面:在体制层面上,民法的生成与发展以市民社会的成熟为依托,而宪政直接限制着民法的生存范围。在价值层面上,通过不断的努力以宪政的方式确立的人权这一核心价值纳入到宪政实践之中,从而为民法的生长确认最深层的核心价值。 市民社会的生成发端于古希腊,古希腊的城邦政治实践和宪政理念的发展是市民社会生成的一个重要基础。古希腊家庭的生产和生活从公共空间中分离出来,从而为当时社会中的市民获取了最初的私人空间。古罗马在很大程度上继承了古希腊的政治哲学,并且在宪政理念上,古罗马发展了对“个体”这一概念的关注,从而极大地促进了市民社会的最终形成。比照同一时期东方的政治实践和社会发展,我们可以看到不同的政治轨迹对社会选择的不同路径。 在古代罗马之后,民法的发展经历了一段坎坷曲折的历程。中世纪的政治实践有两个突出的特征,其一是政治制度上的封建分封制,其二是教会获得了巨大的权力。这一段时期民法发展历程坎坷,但是有两种力量为推动它的发展作出了贡献:其一是教会法中的某些思想对民法产生的影响,其二是中世纪城市的发展促使了商法的出现和发展。近代以来宪政理念和实践突破了中世纪的桎梏,从而获得了长足的发展和普遍的确认。伴随而来的市民法的迅速繁荣,其最重要的体现就是近代欧陆的资本主义国家在18到19世纪之间发生的两次民法法典化运动的浪潮, 宪法对民事权利具有深刻的保障意义。民事权利在宪法层面上得到确认,为民法中这些基本的民事权利找到了最高位阶的保障。同时,也使得这些民事权利获得了双重的性格。
[Abstract]:Constitutionalism is an organic combination of constitutional practice and constitutional value, and its logical starting point is the broad constitution, the value of which is human rights.The basic significance of constitutionalism to civil law is highlighted in two aspects: at the institutional level, the formation and development of civil law is based on the maturity of civil society, while constitutionalism directly limits the scope of civil law.On the value level, the core value of human rights established by constitutional government is brought into the practice of constitutionalism, so as to confirm the deepest core value for the growth of civil law.The formation of civil society originated in ancient Greece, the political practice of ancient Greece and the development of constitutional ideas is an important basis for the formation of civil society.The production and life of the ancient Greek family were separated from the public space, thus obtaining the original private space for the citizens of the society at that time.Ancient Rome inherited the political philosophy of ancient Greece to a great extent, and on the idea of constitutionalism, ancient Rome developed the attention to the concept of "individual", thus greatly promoted the formation of civil society.Comparing with the political practice and social development of the East in the same period, we can see different paths of political trajectory to social choice.After ancient Rome, the development of civil law experienced a rough and tortuous course.The political practice in the Middle Ages had two outstanding characteristics, one was the feudalism in the political system, the other was the great power of the church.During this period, the development of civil law was rough, but two kinds of forces contributed to its development. One was the influence of some thoughts in church law on civil law.Second, the development of medieval cities promoted the appearance and development of commercial law.The constitutional idea and practice in modern times broke through the shackles of the Middle Ages and gained great development and universal confirmation.Accompanied by the rapid prosperity of civil law, the most important embodiment of the modern European capitalist countries in the 18th and 19th centuries between the two civil law codification movement,Constitution has profound safeguard meaning to civil rights.Civil rights are recognized at the constitutional level, which provides the highest level of protection for these basic civil rights in civil law.At the same time, these civil rights have acquired a dual character.
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