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发布时间:2018-04-22 01:15

  本文选题:国际货运代理人 + 法律地位 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国际贸易和国际运输市场的发展,国际货运代理人的业务范围在不断地扩大,它在市场中的作用越来越大,扮演的角色也越来越多。在现今的货运代理市场中,它已经从最早单纯的货运代理人收取佣金发展到无船承运人赚取运费上的差价、提供多式联运服务以至物流服务。本文以我国相关的法律、法规为依托,结合国际货运代理人的实践,对国际货运代理人的法律地位及其权利和义务进行了尝试性的探讨和研究。以期对我国国际货运代理人法律制度的建设和国际货运代理业务的发展有所裨益。 国际货运代理人目前还没有一个得到大家所公认的概念,笔者认为《中华人民共和国国际货物运输代理业管理规定实施细则》第二条对它的解释比较准确,考察货运代理人是委托代理人还是无船承运人,要从三个方面来认定,即合同条款、货运代理人实施的行为、运费的支付方式。无船承运人的权利和义务就是《海商法》所规定的承运人的权利和义务,,如此才能更好地促进和规范货运代理人的发展。当然它和拥有或者经营船舶的承运人是有区别的,比如海事赔偿责任限制权利只是船舶所有人的承运人才能享有。至于一些权利如何实施,如留置权,本文认为只能是货物在其实际控制之下才能实施。本文论述了货代提单的法律性质,国际货运代理人在签发提单时的法律地位,论述了国际货运代理人在实务中充当委托代理人、无船承运人时应该享有的权利和承担的义务。 最后笔者认为应该制订一部国际货运代理人法并对此提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of international trade and international transportation market, the business scope of international freight forwarder is expanding constantly, and it plays a more and more important role in the market. In the current freight forwarding market, it has developed from the earliest pure freight forwarder to the non-ship carrier to earn the difference in freight, to provide multimodal transport services and even logistics services. Based on the relevant laws and regulations of our country and the practice of international freight forwarders, this paper makes a tentative study on the legal status, rights and obligations of international freight forwarders. It is beneficial to the construction of the legal system of international freight forwarders and the development of international freight forwarders. At present, international freight forwarders do not have a concept that has been recognized by all. The author believes that Article 2 of the rules for the implementation of the regulations on the Administration of the International Freight Transport Agency of the people's Republic of China interprets it more accurately. To investigate whether the freight forwarder is a commissioned agent or a non-ship carrier, it is necessary to determine from three aspects, namely, the terms of the contract, the behavior of the freight forwarder, and the way of payment of freight. The rights and obligations of the NVOCC are the rights and obligations of the carrier stipulated in Maritime Law, so as to better promote and regulate the development of freight forwarders. Of course, it is different from the carrier who owns or operates the ship, for example, the right of limitation of maritime liability is enjoyed only by the carrier of the owner of the ship. As for how to enforce some rights, such as lien, this paper holds that goods can only be implemented under their actual control. This paper discusses the legal nature of the forwarder bill of lading, the legal status of the international freight forwarder when issuing the bill of lading, and discusses the rights and obligations of the international freight forwarder acting as the entrusting agent and the non-ship carrier in practice. Finally, the author thinks that an international freight forwarder law should be formulated and puts forward some suggestions.


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