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发布时间:2018-05-26 23:27

  本文选题:被保险人 + 同意 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国《保险法》从2009年修改至今,已经过了五个年头。《保险法》的一大特点就是强化对被保险人的保护。尤其是在人身保险合同中,,被保险人是承保危险的载体,法律应尽可能给予被保险人相应的保护。《保险法》第34条第1款中规定:“以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,未经被保险人同意并认可金额的,无效。”而人身保险包括人寿保险、意外伤害保险及健康保险三大类别,每一险别中均含有“因被保险人死亡之保险事故发生后,保险人给付保险金”之情形。因此,上述条款的“以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同”一语,外延上应当涵盖上文提到的三大险别中的死亡给付之情形。1在2009年修订的《保险法》中,删除了第34条中的“书面同意”的“书面”二字。这一改动,意味着同意之行使方式可以多样化,如此改动更加有利于保护被保险人的利益。 保险利益是人身保险合同的效力要件,具有主观性,不能用客观的利益关系予以确定,否则不利于道德危险的防范。因此,人身保险利益须通过被保险人的同意来予以确定,这样一来,同意的意思表示使具有主观性的人与人之间的关系实现了客观化,同时也能够更好地尊重被保险人的人格权。通过此途径不仅能有效控制道德危险,也使人身保险利益具有了明确、可操作性的确认标准。《保险法》在人身保险合同部分设有被保险人同意的规则,但是在被保险人做出同意的意思表示之后,如果发生情势变更或者在当初订立保险合同时的保险利益已经不存在时,被保险人是否可以撤销先前之同意的问题,现行《保险法》却没有明确规定,理论上的研究也较为缺乏,且探讨不够深入。本文旨在通过对被保险人同意的讨论,对被保险人同意之撤销问题的进行探讨,欲求明晰被保险人同意之撤销的问题的相关理论。 本文从被保险人的含义及法律地位入手,引出被保险人同意的概念和立法目的,同意之后的撤销问题是本论文讨论的重点,从而得出为了更好地维护自身利益,被保险人可随时撤销先前之同意的结论。在论述撤销的根据和作用后,又对撤销的行使和法律后果进行了分析。本文沿着提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的主线进行,通过一系列的分析,对被保险人同意之撤销的问题进行了较为全面的论述。得出如下结论:(1)被保险人撤销先前“同意”中的“撤销”不同于民商法上其他领域的“撤销权”,此处的撤销并不会必然起到保险合同终止的法律后果;(2)对于以无民事行为能力人和限制民事行为能力人为被保险人的保险合同,尽管父母对其具有保险利益,法律上也做出了在限制保险金额的前提下父母可以为其订立人身保险合同的规定,但是这并不能完全排除父母在保险赔偿的诱惑下、因贪念而杀害亲生子女的恶性事件的发生。因此,笔者认为应该存在一种类似“监督人”的群体来牵制投保人,以更好地保护被保险人的利益;(3)由于发生情势变更或者丧失了订立保险合同时存在的人身基础,被保险人欲撤销先前的同意,应该以通知的方式将意思表示在合理的时间内传达给投保人、保险人以及受益人;(4)在被保险人与投保人没有就撤销同意的意思表示达成一致的情况下,法律应该赋予被保险人更多自救的权利和渠道。在这一问题上,可借鉴日本现行《保险法》中的规定,赋予被保险人合同解除的请求权,此请求权主要以“诉”的方式来行使,以保险人为被告,投保人为第三人,如果被保险人胜诉,则视为保险合同的解除。 本文以被保险人在保险合同中处于的核心地位为主线,围绕着被保险人的权益以及如何维护被保险人的权益展开论述。结合保险合同作为一种特殊合同的自身特点,认为被保险人的同意以及同意的撤销都应该被给予更多的保护。我国在立法上对此问题涉猎不多,理论成果也不是很丰富,希望在日后的修改中可以对此问题给予更多的关注。
[Abstract]:Article 34 , paragraph 1 , of the Law on Insurance includes such three categories as life insurance , accidental injury insurance and health insurance .

The insurance benefit is the effective element of the personal insurance contract , it is subjective , cannot be determined with objective benefit relation , otherwise it is not harmful to moral hazard prevention . Therefore , the person ' s insurance benefit must be determined through the consent of the insured . In this way , it can not only effectively control the moral hazard , but also make the personal insurance benefit have clear and workable confirmation standard .

This paper starts with the meaning and legal status of the insured , leads to the concept and legislative purpose of the consent of the insured .
( 2 ) For the insurance contract with the capacity of no civil action and the limitation of the capacity of civil conduct to be the insured , even though the parents have the insurance benefit , the parents can conclude the provision of the personal insurance contract for them , but this does not completely exclude the occurrence of the vicious incident of killing the parent children under the lure of insurance compensation . Therefore , the author believes that there should be a group of " supervisor " to lead the applicant to better protect the interests of the insured ;
( 3 ) As a result of a change in circumstances or a loss of the personal basis existing in the conclusion of an insurance contract , the insured intends to revoke the previous consent and shall convey to the applicant , the insurer and the beneficiary within a reasonable time in the manner of notice ;
( 4 ) In the event that the insured and the applicant do not agree on the intention to withdraw the consent , the law should give the insured more self - rescue rights and channels . In this matter , the claim for the termination of the contract of the insured may be granted by reference to the provisions of the current Law of the People ' s Republic of Japan . The claim is mainly exercised in the form of " v . " , the insurer is the defendant , the insured is the third person , and if the insured is successful , it shall be regarded as the dissolution of the insurance contract .

This paper discusses the interests of the insured and how to protect the rights and interests of the insured under the core status of the insured in the insurance contract . In the light of the characteristics of the insurance contract as a special contract , it is believed that the consent of the insured and the withdrawal of consent should be given more protection . In the legislation , the theory results are not very rich , and it is hoped that more attention can be paid to this issue in future changes .


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