damaged goods 的翻译结果
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damaged goods
Strengthen the Management of Easily Damaged Goods with Low Value of the Teaching Instruments
Construction of Rules on Limits of Multimodal Transport Operator Liability for Damaged Goods──Review concurrently relevant articles of contract law and maritime law of our country
A calculation method is developed for beneficial loss. The paper putS forward 15 items and Galculationformulas for social benefit losses of Communications and transport lifeline disasters. They includefreight change, hours change, more crowded situation, more traffic accidentS, more damaged goods, anddifferent packing methods during transportation before and after disaster.
The paper discusses the management of easily damaged goods with low value of the teaching instruments from five aspects: the extent of the easily damaged goods with low value; problems existed in the management; standardizing the management of those goods;
从低值易耗品的范围、低值易耗品管理上所存在的问题、规范低值易耗品的管理、环境因素对低值易耗品的影响和提高管理人员的综合素质五大方面进行论述 ,强调高校要加强对低值易耗品的管理 ,严堵损耗漏洞 ,最大限度地减少学校财产的流失
Three models including network model of liability limits, uniform model of liability limits and mixed model of liability limits are worked out for construction of rules on limits of multimodal transport operator liability for damaged goods.
Strengthen the Management of Easily Damaged Goods with Low Value of the Teaching Instruments
Therefore,the "Commodity Packing" had been posed in order to protect the goods from being damaged.
Restoration of the Damaged Database
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damaged goods
The impact of this is that the child feels different from others and is stereotyped as damaged goods.
There is need to eliminate cost test because it ignores the normal trading practices of the firm, such as selling obsolete inventory or damaged goods.
The State will deduct the cost of the damaged goods from the invoice prior to payment.
The State will provide the contractor with written notice when damaged goods are received.
Only under specific circumstances--for example, sales of damaged goods--should these exclusions be allowed.
The economic losses of lifeline disasters are classified as property loss, disaster--relief cost andbeneficial loss. Each economic loss are divided into enterprise economic loss and social economic loss.A calculation method is developed for beneficial loss. The paper putS forward 15 items and Galculationformulas for social benefit losses of Communications and transport lifeline disasters. They includefreight change, hours change, more crowded situation, more traffic accidentS, more damaged goods, anddifferent...
The economic losses of lifeline disasters are classified as property loss, disaster--relief cost andbeneficial loss. Each economic loss are divided into enterprise economic loss and social economic loss.A calculation method is developed for beneficial loss. The paper putS forward 15 items and Galculationformulas for social benefit losses of Communications and transport lifeline disasters. They includefreight change, hours change, more crowded situation, more traffic accidentS, more damaged goods, anddifferent packing methods during transportation before and after disaster. The two main losses(freightchange and hours change) are calculated with 4 kind of changes for traffic volumes, i.e. normal volume, the volume transferred to other kind of transport, the volume transferred to other lines in thesame transport, and induced volume loss because of the disaster. They are also calculated for passengerand goods respectively.
Debris is a kind of disasters in mountainous region that can cause heavy loss .The article introduces a set of economical evaluation system by which we can caculate the damage of debris flow. The article divides the loss into direct product goods value, direct service value, indirect value, option value and existence value. The direct product goods value includes two kinds: the kind that can be recovered and that can not. The direct product goods value can be represented by all kinds of goods...
Debris is a kind of disasters in mountainous region that can cause heavy loss .The article introduces a set of economical evaluation system by which we can caculate the damage of debris flow. The article divides the loss into direct product goods value, direct service value, indirect value, option value and existence value. The direct product goods value includes two kinds: the kind that can be recovered and that can not. The direct product goods value can be represented by all kinds of goods damaged by debris flow .The kind that can be recovered uses shadow engineering method to evaluate, the other uses market valuation method. The direct service value means the service that could be provided by the damaged goods, it must depends on certain condition. Indirect values means the service function of society and environment ,we can use shadow engineering method and substitute expense method to caculate different kind .Option value is the value we can use in future, it is caculated through the concerned persons' willingness to pay .Existence value can be evaluated by convey method or personal donation and government investment ,it means the value that people want to pay to make the goods exist.
本文介绍了评估泥石流造成经济损失的体系 ,该体系将泥石流破坏的各种实物的价值分为五类 ,并介绍了各类价值的含义、特点及计算方法。
The paper discusses the management of easily damaged goods with low value of the teaching instruments from five aspects: the extent of the easily damaged goods with low value; problems existed in the management; standardizing the management of those goods; the influence of environment on the goods; improving the quality of administrative personnel. Universities and colleges should strengthen the management and stop up the loophole of spoilage in order to reduce the loss of university...
The paper discusses the management of easily damaged goods with low value of the teaching instruments from five aspects: the extent of the easily damaged goods with low value; problems existed in the management; standardizing the management of those goods; the influence of environment on the goods; improving the quality of administrative personnel. Universities and colleges should strengthen the management and stop up the loophole of spoilage in order to reduce the loss of university property to a minimum.
从低值易耗品的范围、低值易耗品管理上所存在的问题、规范低值易耗品的管理、环境因素对低值易耗品的影响和提高管理人员的综合素质五大方面进行论述 ,强调高校要加强对低值易耗品的管理 ,严堵损耗漏洞 ,最大限度地减少学校财产的流失
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